You're never fully dressed without a smile.

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Patricia's POV

Something amazing occurred this morning. I woke up in the arms of my fiancé with a smile on my face. I'm happy, I'm content. "Yacker?" A muffle sounded out from behind me. My smile grew as I turned to face him. He's such a heavy sleeper. "It's time to get up" I whispered before rolling to get out of bed. "Wait! Ten more minutes. Please." He mumbled into my pillow. I just laughed as I pulled on some random clothes from the wardrobe. "No" I laughed slightly as I pulled the covers off of him. He opened his eyes and groaned. "Why am marrying you again?" He asks before jumping up and getting dressed also. "Because I'm amazing and you love me" I say it as a statement. "That, I do" he says quickly pulling his shirt on. I smile widely as I walk out the room and downstairs.

"Today, we have a job to do." Amber says as is it down with a bowl of Frosties. Amber glares at me slightly "That is not a breakfast for a soon to-be bride" Her frown softens when she sees my smile. "You're happy. That's okay then, continue" she says gracing herself with a smile too. "Thanks for the permission." I mumble with a mouthful. "As I was saying, today we need to find TWO flawless wedding dresses and some fabulous bridesmaids dresses, got it?" Everyone looks up from their cereal to nod quickly before returning to their food.

An hour and a half later, we were all awkwardly staring at the same overly cheerful ginger haired woman from the last time we were at GBD, also know as Glassy Bridal Designer. It's creative, I know. "Welcome to Glass Bridal Designer or for short GBD, please ask at the desk for your room number" I'm pretty sure that's the exact same thing she said last time, this is just too much déjà vu. Once stood at the mahogany desk, Willow talks to the man at the desk going over the details and all that. I look around. It's all the same. 4 polished black catwalks, around 50 exits with spiral staircases leading upwards and at least 200 hundred chandeliers towering over everything, looking to be superior to everything surrounding. My attention is quickly adverted to one of the many staircases as we are led to out room. As I said; déjà vu.

Entering the room, it suddenly became real. I was getting married, in one of the many dresses surrounding me. It's one of those realisation moments that just overtake your thoughts and make you think about the thing that hasn't really bothered you before. Ambers eyes light up like child's on Christmas morning. It's exhilarating for her, for me, it is not. "I know this is not your thing, but just go with it. Say yes or no. Don't overthink it." Joy whispers in my ear as amber bounces around like she's on a trampoline. I smile slightly and begin to 'browse'.
"For the bridesmaids, Willow and I have decided that we would like turquoise and white as a base line theme. So, if you guys could agree on one turquoise dress that'd be great." I say before turning to the wedding dresses with Willow. "I don't want a long dress, because then nobody can see my shoes." Willow says slowly moving the dresses along the rack. I just roll my eyes at her. I love her, I really do. She's my sister, whether she marries my brother or not. "This one! I'm going to go and try it on" she suddenly squeals before skipping to the changing room. I see it, from the corner of my eye. It's simple. It's me. It's strapless, the top of the bodice is lace and the rest just falls to the floor, pleated without lace. It's my wedding dress, I know it. I walk over to it and pluck the dress from the rack and enter the changing room next to Willow. I pull the dress on slowly before stepping out, next to Willow. Her dress looks beautiful on her. It's a ballerina slurs dress with a lot of lace. The bridesmaids dresses are also simple, I'm guessing Amber had something to say about that. It's an off the shoulder dress with a rippled affect, it looks about knee length and it is, as specified, turquoise.

"That was easy." Brooke says quietly from behind. I smile at her whilst Amber looks ready to slap someone again. "Let's go guys" Willow says stepping away from the woman she was discussing pick up dates with. "Thank you" I say before leaving with everyone else. "Today has been amazing." I say smiling at everyone "Thank you" They all know I don't mean just for the dress shopping. Nina looks uncomfortable, maybe I should talk to her, we haven't really spoken since the outburst from before Mara left. "Wait, I left my phone! Nina come with me." I dragged Nina back inside as everyone else went to the limo. "You're holding your phone Patricia" Nina states with annoyance. "I know, I just wanted to make sure that we're OK...I mean after, you know. It's just I love you and you're my friend and I just-"
"Just stop. I haven't forgiven you, not yet anyway"
"I wasn't aware there was something to forgive."
"The only reason I'm still here is because Fabian is Eddies best man and I would like to fully reconcile with Amber. This friendship hasn't been the same since I didn't return to Anubis house for senior year, and to be honest I don't think it ever will be" she gave me a ghost of a smile, before walking back out the door is dragged her through.

- This is almost a thousand words, I hope this makes up for my slow updates, I'm trying but I'm lacking major inspiration. Yesterday I just woke up and wrote and wrote and here it is. Enjoy. (SIBUNA)

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