Chapter 1

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I felt a long, thin claw poke my back and I just huddled deeper under my paper thin, hole covered blanket.

The claw poked me again and I groaned, "Go away Ursarang! I'm trying to sleep!" The large bear Pokemon just growled and poked me some more...

"Fine, fine, fine! I'm up!" I snapped, sitting up from the frosty, rotting, wooded floor of my so called "house".

I live in a little run down shack that is slowly falling apart. Pretty soon I'll have to pack up the few things I own and find a "new" abandon place to stay until it rots to the ground like this place and every other place I've ever stayed has.

I hear a knocking sound at the door and I stand up with a grunt.. Who would want me at this time? I open the door to find my Best Friend, Gold, standing outside with his arms around his body for warmth and...!... Is that A serious look on his face?! Never seen one on him before...

Gold stared at me with his messy black hair in front if his golden eyes, "Silver, come with me. The first blizzard if the season is coming in a couple of hours and you can't stay here without catching a cold bud! At least stay at my place for the night!"

I shook my head so that my blood red hair got into my silver eyes, "Sorry, but no thanks Gold. I can't come. I need to get a few more weeks out of this place. And as for the blizzard, I think you've forgotten that I practically lived in an ice box for five years when I lived with The Masked Man. I'm used to the cold." I'll tell you about the Masked Man later.

Gold just shook his head, "No way Silver. Your coming to my place if I have to pull you there by that obnoxiously long hair of yours!"

It'a only long because I can only cut it with my Wevile's claws which is painful.

I just shook my head again, "No."



"Pretty please?"


"Pretty pretty pre-"

"I said NO Gold! Live with it!"

Gold just sighed, "Fine. But at least take this. Crystal asked me to give it to you." He tosses me a new blanket. It was black and the nice quality kind of blanket that was soft and could keep you warn in freezing weather. There was a note attached to it as well.

"So... Crystal asked you to give it to me?" I asked.

Gold nodded, "Yep. Honestly Silver. Your crazy to stay out here, but just come to my house if you change your mind."

I nodded, "K. Thanks. And tell Crystal I said thanks too." And then I closed the door.

I sat down where I usually slept and opened the note...

Dear Silver,

I know that you'll probably reject Gold's offer to stay at his house for the night, so I want you to have this so you don't freeze to death. Just bundle up and stay warm.

Your friend, 


I felt my face get warm at the note. Crystal was so sweet and caring and gentle a-... Wait where was this going?

I shook it from my head and laid down again, the blanket covering me and Crystal's note in hand. With my other hand I returned Ursarang to his Pokeball. Then I fell asleep...

I was in a warm meadow. The sun was shining, the breeze swept through the grass and everything was peaceful. I walked in the grass, fully aware this was a dream and I could do whatever I wanted. A butterfly fluttered past my face and I find myself chasing it childishly. I felt a grin plaster itself on my face as I nearly catch the butterfly. I tripped and fell over instead and I laughed!

The butterfly landed on a flower a few feet away and I started to stalk it like a cat, keeping low to the ground... And with a swift pounce I leaped! But I missed by a lot and rolled... Ow...

"You could really use some practice you know." I turn around to see a girl about my age, that is, sixteen years or so. She has flame orange hair and scarlet red eyes along with honey hued skin.

She grinned, "Do you wanna learn how to do that properly?"

I tilted my head, "Why would I need to?"

The girl was still grinning, "You could use it for what your meant for you know."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Let me teach you and maybe you'll find out!"


I stalked through the grass again, making sure I don't rustle anything loud enough for the girl to notice me... When I was in springing distance, I did what she had taught me...

'Ok. So first foot in front second foot in back gather strength and... Now!' I shot out of the grass and tackled her!

She just laughed, "Very nice! Now I must go. My friends are awaiting me." She got up and began to walk away.

"Wait!" I called, "My name's Silver! What's yours?"


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