Chapter 23

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I leave the Pokemon Center, when Amber apperes in front of me, "Boss Silver, we've gotta problem. Or, at least... I think it's a problem."

I sighed, "Amber, don't call me 'Boss' in public. My cover can't be blown, remember? Let's talk in the Viridian Forest."


"Ok. So what's the problem?" I ask.

"Well, like I said, it may not be a problem, but..." Amber trailed off.

"Spit it out!" I snarled impatiently, only for Amber to flinch and give me a shocked look.

"What?" I asked.

"Y-You do realize that you jut snarled, right?"

"I did?"

Amber nodded, "Yeah. You've actually been doing it a lot ever since you became boss. No offense Boss Silver, but all that power is starting to get to your head."

I just stared into my cousin's eyes. And now I could see that the look wasn't of shock, but terror! My own cousin was terrified of me!

I looked away, "I don't get it. I shouldn't be snarling. It's not like me. And I'm nothing like my father. And-"

"Err.... Boss Silver, that's part of the problem." Amber said.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Silver. Giovanni's back." Amber said quietly.

I spin around, "What?!" I exclaim.

Amber nodded, "Yes. He's at the hideout in Celidon City. He and the executives are waiting for you. I'm not sure if their going to kick you off your position, or going to let you keep it. That's between you and Giovanni, and possibly the Executives if it comes to that."

I shoved my hands in my jacket pockets, "I hope it doesn't come to that. This should only be between me and my father."


I walking into the office, the Executives and my Father waiting. He was just sitting in a chair, emotionless.

I sigh, "You wished to see me?"

Archer nodded, "Yes. As you can see, Giovanni is back, so we need to decide who will lead Team Rocket now."

"Which I would like to descuse just beween me and my son, if you would." Father said to the Executives. They all nodded and left the office, closing the door. I watched them leave.

Which is why I didn't see dad come up behind me.

He took me and hugged me, "Silver. How much I've been missing you!" He whispered, a small smile on his face. Not an evil smile. Not a fake or creepy smile. Just a plain, simply smile.

He looked happy.

I never imagined that my father, Giovanni of Team Rocket, could look happy.

I turned a bit and hugged him back, "It has been awhile, Father."

We let go and he looked me up and down, "My my. How you have grown Silver." He said.

I chuckled and smiled a bit, "Yeah. years can do that to you."

Dad nodded, "Yes. And I must say, I'm proud of you. You've become a strong trainer, and I couldn't be more proud."

I smiled, "Thanks. I'm glad for your approval. But we have matters to discus."

Father nodded, "Yes. We need to figure out which one of us leads Team Rocket."

"Do you want to lead again Father?" I asked, "I do kinda wanna keep the position, but if you want it back, then you can become Boss again."

"No Silver. I'm not going to make you wait of you want to lead. You may keep the position I you wish. I don't care if I'm not leader. I only became leader so that in could create a Pokémon that could find you. Now that you're here, I have no more desire to lead."

Wow. That was easier that expected.

"Thank you Dad. But what will you do? Will you join the Executives?"

"Only if you will have me."

"But of course."

(Sorry I haven't updated in Arceus knows how many months. I was grounded from my phone so I wasn't able to get on that often. And when I did get on, I worked on A Hunting Ranger and Viridian in Unova. I will update as soon as I can.)

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