His Touch

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I ended up getting the lingerie not really knowing why. We were in the car and the whole ride so far was quit. I looked over to see that Israel was still into his phone. But I looked down to see that he had a bag from the previous store we was in on the seat next to him. I don't know why but it made me kinda jealous, maybe because I was actually catching feelings for him, and thought that he had some of his side girls coming over every night to have him. God why couldn't I be one of those girls. I was really catching feeling for Israel Martinez, it was scary. He interrupted my thoughts. "I will have a dress ready for you tomorrow to meet my parents for dinner." He said still glued to that phone. I thought it was my time to get to know this Martinez.

"What are your parents like?" I asked curious. "Why does it matter?" He said without looking me in the eye. "Sorry." I said with a whisper. I stared out the window trying not to look sad. I guess he's not really into me after all.  He put his phone down and let out a sigh looking at me. "What do you want to know?" He asked me feeling bad. "Anything." I said with a smile. We talked about his parents for a good minute before arriving home. I notice that I've never seen him smile, which for some reason didn't surprise me.

"What are your parents like?" He asked me making our way into the kitchen. I sat on the counter looking down at my feet with a sad face. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked worried. "No, it's just. They died not to long ago." I said trying to hold back my tears, I remember that day like it was yesterday. "If you don't mind me asking how did they die?" He asked curious. I was hesitant to say but I did anyways. "We were on a road trip and I wanted to show my dad something, around the corner, there was a sharp turn, and as he was looking at what I was trying to show him, he winded up not making the sharp turn in time sending us off a cliff." I explained to him. "Everyday I try to figure out how I was the one who made it out alive, and they just left my life for ever, it's like I was made to suffer." I broke down into tears. For the first time I seen him have a worried face. But I could tell he wasn't the type of person to hug anyone because he didn't even try to comfort me.

"It's okay." He said from afar. "They are looking down on you." He said trying to put on a smile, but I could tell it was fake. I could tell that he wasn't used to it that's why it looked so fake. "Thanks. I think I'm just gonna head to bed." I said trying to also put on a fake smile.

I woke up to someone tapping me. I shot up not knowing who it was. "Who are you?!" I said scared but questionably. "Oh, I'm so sorry to startle you. I'm your maid. You can call me Cat." She said very nice and sweet. "I'm sorry, you just startled me that's all." I said with a chuckle, still trying to catch my breath. "My nam- Zayla, I know. She interrupted me, while letting out a giggle. "Mr. Martinez told me." She said explaining. "Yea what else did he tell you about me?" I asked rolling my eyes. "Nothing bad, just that your a sweet girl and has a bright future. Oh and young and beautiful." She said with a smile on her face. "Just don't tell him that I told you, he will kill me. Literally." She said with a serious face. I was focused on what she said, about how he thought I was beautiful and have a bright future, even being a sweet girl. But I tried to focus on Cat.

We talked while I was trying to get myself ready. "You know I actually like you." She said which really shocked me. "I like you to." I said with a side smile. "Okay let's get you into this dress." She said excited to see what it looked like on me. I looked at it with shock it was beautiful for dinner. "Are you sure this is just a dinner with his parents?" I said kinda shocked but confused. "Oh no, it's dinner with his parents a bunch of other people." She said kinda surprised I didn't know that. "How many people are we talking?" I said eager to know. "We're talking about 200 people." My mouth dropped hearing that number.

I finished getting myself together as Cat curled my hair and did my makeup. Not gonna lie, for someone being a maid she sure was really good at making someone look good, she was actually REALLY pretty, she had black long hair beautiful light blue big eyes, with long eyelashes. She had nice lips that had a rose color to it. She was built perfect, but skinny. Her skin was a really bright gold color. I wonder if Israel- never mind. Well maybe he has it wouldn't be a surprise. Anyways.

I was wearing a silver sparkly fitted dress, that got every curve of my body, it also showed a lot of my legs, but it was gorgeous. I also wore clear heals that were magnificent.

I've never seen a dress this beautiful before

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I've never seen a dress this beautiful before. I decided to wear the lingerie that I got from when I went shopping. It felt uncomfortable but I wanted to force myself to get used to it.

I walked down the stairs to see Israel eyes gaze at me, then he stares. "You look beautiful Zayla." I've never had anyone say something like that, using my name while saying something so sweet. "Thank you Israel." I started to blush, my cheeks turned a dark rose red color. I've never seen them do that before, God he makes me nervous and blush when he complements me and says my name. "Are you blushing?" He asked with a smirk. "No." I said looking away. And out of no where we were face to face, and he was inches away from me. "Are you lying?" He looked me deep in my eyes after his lips rubbed against my ear. Now we were even more close to each other.

I could hear the heavy breathing from my mouth as he spoke. "Do I make you nervous?" I felt something. A hand run down my back almost touching my ass. "I-" I was speechless. "We should go." He said with a totally different expression. "O-okay." I said trying to collect what just happened.

His touch made me feel some type of way, a way I've never felt before.

We finally made it into the party after driving in silence, which made it feel like years. As we walked in everyone was staring, "it's him" one girl said. "Look at him" someone else said. "Why is everyone whispering about you?" I said to him now whispering. "To be honest I don't know. My parents said it would be just a dinner with us and them, and they brought almost every mafia there is." He said irritated. "So does that mean we have to be a thing to everyone else?" I asked curious. "I guess so." He said kinda annoyed. "Just stay with me, I don't want you to get hurt." I thought it was shocking that he didn't want me getting hurt, but I loved it.

As I was gonna say okay, I felt a hand rap around my waist. I made a loud gasp getting his attention. "Everything okay?" He asked worried. "No. I mean yes." I said nervously. He didn't let go of me at all so far and we've been here for almost 20 minutes. His parents haven't came yet, and he seem very anxious to see them. He guided me without letting me go to a table. He let go and pulled out a chair to have me sit in it. "I'll be back." He said to me. I sat down and he continued talking to people. It was like he was famous, everyone wanted to be around him and talk to him. But he never showed any expressions. And you could tell he didn't want to talk to half of the people that wanted a conversation with him, he walked away as if they were never there. That was his way of telling people he doesn't like them or want to talk to them apparently.

His touch made me feel safe, comfortable. But now that his touch is no long what I feel right now, I feel completely different. Is it more than just feelings, or am I falling in love with Israel Martinez, after knowing him for almost a week? It made no since, but it felt right. Everything about him felt right, even his touch.

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