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Have you ever just fell in love with someone right then and there? And when you realize that you are clingy with them and possessive you never want to leave there slide?

Well Noa was it.

I was nervous to be a mother, I wasn't ready to be one. And I intended on never becoming one. But I grew so attached to Noa that I felt like I could never leave her side.

She was stuck in a clear box, tubs in her nose trying to help her breath, and things connected to her chest. I'm new at this whole thing and as lost at what is going on with my child's body but all I know was that I was scared and I knew I didn't have much time.

she's only 6 months, ways 2 pounds, her skin was thin and red. She was so so small.

It hurts me that I had no other choice but to give birth to her. Like the doctor said when I got in that accident it affected my heart and I couldn't give birth to her with pushing and breathing and things that I find very painful; I think, or I would've killed me or Noah or maybe both.

I prayed, prayed every night that she survives this. I can't see her like this anymore.

Everyday for the past 2 days when I feel lonely when Israel had to take care of things and I was alone with Noah I cried and cried, hoping that she gets better.

And to be honest I couldn't tell.

"Hi sweet girl." I get up smiling towards her. Since Israel was a billionaire he basically got whatever he wanted, he wanted them to allow Noa to stay with me at all times no matter what.

She looks at me with a small grin on her face. She had her fathers eyes and her mothers smile. I love it.

"Hey baby." I here a soft deep but familiar voice appear from behind me and I knew who it was. "Hi." I turned to meet Israel's gaze.

"How's she?"

"She's fine. Doctors said they'll be here soon to see if there's any updates on her." I sigh rubbing my forehead.

"Come here." He says with his arm stretched out. Walking to him and hugging him. "I know you've been cry." He kisses my forehead.

I guess the baggy eyes are that noticeable. "Hey." He says softly. "Hey, look at me." My eyes meet his as mines start to blur and I knew I was about to cry. "Everything will be fine, okay." He hugged me again and I nod my head.

"Now. Get some rest, I know your hurting. After all you was cut open 2 days ago and you look like you haven't sleep ever since." Caressing my cheeks and leading me to the bed. He kisses my lips softly.

God I missed those.

"I'll stay here for a while." He says heading towards the baby.

Turning to face the baby, my eyes slowly close. And before I know it, I was falling asleep to Noa holding Israel's finger, and he's talking to her like every parent does with there child with there a baby and he's saying nothing but sweet things to her.
I woke up and realized that I've been sleeping for over 6 hours, haven't had a good sleep like that in a few days.

Scanning the room I don't see Israel nor Noa. What the Hell. Where'd they go? I began jumping out of the bed looking everywhere, the bathroom the mini closet, and there's no sign of no one. I storm out the room and next by the door I see Israel on the phone. "Y-yes I'll call you back thank you." He says before hanging up.

"Israel where's Noa?" My worry increases knowing that Zee's not with her.

Dragging me back in the room and sitting me on the bed, I looked at him confused and annoyed.

"She's fine, they went to check on her, run some tests. While you were asleep they told me she has a 80% chance of living, the reason why the 20% is because her breathing. She's not really breathing well so there trying everything."

"They said that her heart is becoming a little better, much better than what it was, here lungs are becoming stronger but it's the breathing that's causing it to become a little weak, and her brain is healthy than it could be."

I began tearing up not because of sadness but because of happiness.

Even though I told that sweet lady that Israel was my fiancé, I had few doubts, it was to much.

But seeing the way he treats me and especially Noa it warms my heart. And I don't want a child that has to travel to one parents house every week, and figure out which parent she's spending Christmas, thanksgiving or her birthday with.

While I was having a C-Section Israel told me that he Decided to give me an option to marry him. But I knew deep down he really wanted to marry me.
Sitting here in a little pain as their trying to remove my baby girl out, my mind was just stuck on the future.

If she lives what will happen? Will my life be normal or not? And if she doesn't? I was soon interrupted from my thoughts because of Israel.

"Zayla. I was thinking." He whispers in my ear. "Even if things don't turn out right or if they do. I'm going to give you the option to marry me. Not that I don't want you to." He gives me a 'everything's going to be already' smile and I kiss is head. "It's just that I'm putting so much stress on you that I feel like I'm the one that's causing everything to be wrong." He sighs squeezing my hand.

I look up at him with a single tear rolling down my face. "Listen, your not the problem, okay? I care for you so much and I appreciate the option I have. Even if I marry you and if I don't, I still care about you. And if things turn out right with the baby and we do marry and if we don't, I will still be by your side always." I then kiss him on the lips and give him a smile.
Yes I was scared of everything that was happening and yes I just want things to be normal and happy.

These two human beings that I care about so much are my world and my heart.

And there's no one here to change that.

Okay so this one and I believe the last one was a bit short but it's okay.

What do you think will happen? Do you think everything will turn out the way Zayla wants it to or no?

Should I make the ending a sad story or good story??? Let me know.

And I need more views you guys. Help me🥺🥺

Love Y'all❤️❤️

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