Me and Israel didn't talk much ever since he told me that I had to marry him. The only time we did was when we decided to talk about what we were going to do about the baby.

After that, he was working 24/7.

It's been 3 months and we decided to have the baby early. Today was the day that I go to the hospital and have the baby.

Sad thing was Israel wasn't there to take me.

I was 7 months so things were hard for me, and the only person that was there to help me was Faris. Me and Faris grew closer and closer each day. He was like a brother I never had, and I loved it.

"Ready ladybug?" He says entering the room. That was the name he gave me. He says because my eyes were like ladybugs, big. I will admit, I did have pretty big eyes, but everyone said they looked good on me.

We got in the car and was heading to the hospital. I stared out the window all in my thoughts. It was the only thing I could do. "I know what your thinking. He said he will be there." Of course he knew what I was thinking. If I wasn't me, I would know what I was thinking.

"Look Zayla. You may not see it but I do. He cares about you a lot, and like I said you may not see it. He knows how much we hang out a lot and he knows how close we are. He asks me everyday how you are." He says giving me a small smile. But he had more to say. "And you know what I tell him?" I shake my head not knowing, wanting to know. "She's lonely without you." He then focuses on the road. "If he cares so much about me, why isn't he always around then?" I said trying to hold back my tears.

Faris then sighs and then glances at me. "Because, he's scared." He then looks at me then the road again. "Scared about what?" I say confused. "Scared of loosing you. Scared of loving you." I couldn't hold back the tears from what he was telling me. "What?" That was all I could say as tears came.

"Zayla." He sighs. "When he found out what was happening with the baby he was devastated. And what made him even more devastated was the choices you had, to give birth to the baby. Yea he cared a lot about the baby, and I mean a lot. But he cared about you. He didn't want the baby to die and neither did he want you to, but he knew that there was always another chance with kids. So that's why he wanted you to give birth early. He didn't want that chance of loosing both of you. And if your upset about him forcing you to marry him, then I don't blame you at first, but if you see it from my point of view you would want to marry him. He's doing it because he truly loves you. He's doing it because he will risk the world for you Zayla, so except what you have, before it's to late."

I couldn't hold back the tears and I begin crying. Before I knew it we were here parked and Faris was now hugging me. I didn't hesitate to hug him back. He was right I need to except it before it's to late. And everything he said I just felt like it was true.

I thought that Israel didn't want the baby but I guess I was just blinded by loosing her. He was just scared of loosing me. And if you ask me I'm scared of loosing him.

We made it inside and I checked in and waited in the waiting room. They called me back to get a small check up. A few minutes passed and they sent me back in the waiting room. Sitting down, Faris told me Israel would be here any minute. With my my legs bouncing up and down impatiently waiting for Israel and waiting to go to the room.

A few minutes pass and I see Israel. We lock eyes and we don't look away. I break the contact and look at my feet. I begin fiddling with my hair and he sits next to me.

He nods his head signaling for his men to give us space. They all go to the other side of the room where it's just me and Israel on this side. I look at him again, but this time with sorrow in my eyes.

He caresses my cheek. "I-I'm sorry." I say but before I could say anything else he kisses me. "You have nothing to apologize for." He says looking me in my eyes afterwards. "If anything I should be the one sorry. Sorry for putting you threw a lot of stress, leaving you alone for the past 3 months. I love you Zayla I do. And I don't want you to go not now." I feel tears in my eyes as he says those words.

"I-I love you too." I say kissing him one last time before the doctors came. A few minutes pass and we see a doctor walk in. "Zayla Beck?" She says and I look at her. "Right here!" I say getting up. But of course I struggle.

With the help of Israel, I manage to get up. Trying to grab my things the doctor asked Israel if she could have a brief word with him to try and catch him up on what she told me when I went and had a small check up.

Getting my purse, snacks and drink, I feel warm hands touch mines. Looking over I see a lady who looked to be in her mid 50's, but you can see she looked beautiful when she was young, don't get me wrong she still is. "Hello." I say smiling at her. "Hi." She says back. "Can I ask you something?" She says and I give her a nod. "Is that your husband?" I froze for a second. "No ma'am he's my-my fiancé."

Yea that's right he's my fiancé.

She then smiles at me. "Let me tell you something love. Don't let him go. The way I saw you guys earlier today shows how much he cares about you. If you ask me, I would say marry him." She chuckles and I couldn't help but do the same.

"Sweetie, you will never find a guy like that again if you let this one go. I was just like you when I was young. Innocent as ever. I had someone I loved dearly he cared about me just as much as your fiancé does. We got married had kids, and then he died 5 years ago. But looking at this young gentleman that you have, his love for you is more stronger than what I had and seen. So don't let him go." She winks and then smiles. I nod my head.

She then let's go of my hand and I see Israel approach. "Ready?" He say grabbing my hand. "Thank you." I smile at her and she smiles back. And me and Israel walk away. "What did she say to you?" He whispered in my ear. "Nothing." I smile remembering everything she said.

Walking to the room I get into a hospital gown. Laying in the hospital bed, they give me medicine to help with the pain and for me to be numb.

They told me that I was going to have a C-Section. I heard it hurts if they don't do it right.

They said there were going to get right into it, and I was getting more scared. What felt like hours, only was minutes me and Israel make it into another room.

Laying there as they cut me open Israel sits here holding my hand saying nothing but sweet things to me.

I begin to cry a little knowing what is going to happen once we have the baby. "It's okay Zayla. We can always try again I promise. I want to have a family with you, I love you okay I love you." He says kissing my forehead.

I squeeze his hand letting him know I love him. As I couldn't say nothing because I'm crying.

After time passes they pull the baby out telling me that she will only make it maximum 5 days.

She begins to cry and I got to hold her. Of course I cry like never before and start kissing her.

"Hi baby Noa." I cry more.

Omg y'all she gave birth and named the babygirl Noa. What will happen next? I feel bad.

Love y'all and as always it's Delicia. ❤️❤️

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