Its final

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I stare at Israel trying to process everything he said. He asked me to marry him, and I'm sitting here chocking over my own words, and trying to figure out what to say. I don't want to say no, but I don't want to say yes.

I love him a lot, but I don't want to just turn back to him willingly and fast, even though I'm really mad at him.

Do I want him now? I can't. But I want him so much.

I continued to stare into his beautiful deep eyes, trying to figure out what I should say. Apart of me wants to say yes, but instead I don't. "Let me think about it." Really? That's what I say? I want him to know that I'm hurt, I want him to feel eager to want me, and do anything just to get me. All of me.

But will I be able to handle that myself?

"Okay, I will wait- patiently." He replies before leaving and telling me that he will meet me in the car.

Would I be able to wait patiently? I don't know if I can, but I will try.

The doctor came in shortly after,

"while he's gone, do you know exactly what you want to do?" She gave me a soft smile after replying. "I don't know, but he purposed." I looked down at the ground, with soft eyes. "That's great!" I could tell she was actually happy for me. "Yea, but I told him I need to think about it, he wants to start over and not risk everything, even loosing me."

Looking up at her I could tell her whole expressions changed. "Maybe he's right, just think about it, but I think it's best if you both decide together, and not just as just one." Maybe she was right, hell she was right, I felt like I could tell her anything and everything, and she would have the answer to everything, or she'll give me the best advice she could.

"Here, here's my number if you need to talk, personal."

Giving me her card with her number, I gave her a pleasant smile before leaving, heading out side and into the car.

The whole car ride was quiet and we made it home 30 minutes ago. I went straight to my room not speaking to anyone, even Israel.

I don't know if he was upset with me or not, he went straight to his office taking a phone call.

Although I was completely upset with him, I did feel bad for not giving him the answer he wanted.

I thought about for awhile sitting in my room and I realized that I don't think I'm ready to get married or start a family so soon, I'm not ready to settle down, not right now.

Thinking about what happened not to long ago at the ball really got to me, and it still does, thinking about it right now made me mad and upset, I began to form a fist wanting to punch something or someone. I tried calming myself down and getting lost in my thoughts.

My eyes began to get heavy, and the next thing I know, I'm fast asleep.

I woke bright and early and the sun was out. Light reflecting out the window and into my face, I could tell that someone had opened the curtains do to them being closed last night.

Turning over slowly I see the bathroom light on, Israel must be in here, but why? I slowly get out of bed and walked over to the bathroom door hearing voices. "Yes, I'm forcing her. I know, and I'm going to tell her soon, just at the right time." I slowly stepped back trying to figure out what he mean by forcing her.

Wait it can't be-

I continued stepping back until a small creak came. I stop, my hurt pounding in my chest, and my breathing rapidly getting louder each second.

"I'll call you back." He ended the call rushing to the door swinging it open aggressively. "What are you doing?" The way he looked at me felt like he was looking deep into my soul, which terrified me a lot. "I was just- what do you mean by forcing her." I stopped myself from explaining myself and wanted to know what he means by that.

He made a big sigh, and walked slowly towards me. "I was going to tell you." The way he looked at me was a soft look, a much more different look he gave me just a second ago. "Tell me what?" It seemed that out expressions switched he has the soft one, while I have the aggressive one.

"We're getting married."

My mouth dropped open as if I just witnessed something incredible. "I thought I told you I needed to think about it, and last night I thought about it and I'm not ready." I rolled my eyes heading towards the bed.

He followed behind like a shadow. "It's not about what you want anymore Zayla, it's for the best, for you.

"For the best?" I scoffed at him. "You don't know the first thing about what's best for me, you seem to screw everything up. So screw you, and screw this marriage cause we're not getting married!" I yelled at him trying to resist of throwing anything at his gorgeous idiot face.

"I'm not asking." He turned away without looking at me. "Leave." I order him, he left without looking back. I can't believe I'm forced to marry him. I wasn't ready and last night, I made that clear to myself.

Life always has it's way around things, and it made its way around some bad things, things I wish was a dream that I will wake up from soon.

It's final I'm getting married and I know I have no choice, or he's making my life a living hell.

And it's final I officially hate him, I hate him for making me love him, I hate him for hurting me and lying to me, I hate him for putting a being in me even though I wasn't ready and watching things not turn out right with the whole thing, and I hate him for forcing me to marry him.

Why can't life just be normal for just a little while, I just want to be happy, and I don't think I ever can be, not until there's no oxygen left in my body.

Life will never be the same, real soon things will change.

It's final I will soon be a Martinez, Mrs. Martinez, and I won't be the me I wanted to grow up to be.


Okay, I'm trying to make them longer, but when I get more views I will continue posting them but until then, get me to 5k view or more and I will continue writing. Let me know what you think is going to happen. Hopefully something good. Idk🫣😏. btw, I will probably write them but rarely post them, right now I'm trying to figure out what is going to happen next, I want it to be a little spicy, just for you guys, so hang on tight and be here for the journey while we see what's going to happen between Zayla and Israel. Next chapter is going to maybe be Israel's POV: maybe Idk yet. Probably, probably not.

But...Love y'all, and as always your girl DELICIA!!!

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