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"Baby?" I looked at her in disbelief. "Y-yes ma'am, did you not know?" She asked in shock. "N-no, how far along am I?" I continued looking at her with a frown on my face, confused. "About 3 or 4 weeks." It was surprising news to me, but it wasn't what I was really expecting. I wasn't ready to be a mother, I wasn't ready to have a child with anyone, and definitely not with Israel. ISRAEL! It's 100% he's child, and I don't know if i should tell him. I mean of course I have to, it's his child to.

"I have a question? A personal question." I asked the doctor. "Sure." She looked at me waiting. "If you and your supposedly boyfriend got in a heated conversation to were you just take a break from him, and he calls and calls for the past week, and you finally find out your pregnant, what would you do?" I played with my hair  nervously, waiting for a response. "Well I mean, I don't know the whole situation between you guys, but if he keeps calling you then he must want you back, and he really cares about you. Give it some time, but at some point, he going to have to know about the baby." She grabbed my hand rubbing it, feeling sorry and bad for me. "Your right, and I'll give it some time, and I will most definitely tell him about the baby." I smiled at her hopping down from the doctors bed, leaving.

I got home wishing that Lola was here, but realizing that she was going to be gone for a while to take a vacation. I texted her telling her about the baby, she respond with widen eyes and a balloons, and party emojis, and telling me she's excited to be an "auntie".

I texted Faris telling him to come over alone. He respond telling me he's on his way.

"Wow that's, that's some surprising news Zayla, when are you going to tell him?" He asked looking at me with his eyebrows up and his arms crossed. "Soon, I don't know I have to set a day were it's me and him and I'll tell him." I paste around the room, playing with my hair, throwing my hands in the air everywhere. "Like a date." He smirked at me. "Nooo!" I looked at him crossing my arms.

"Okay here, just do this. This Friday set a time to meet him at a restaurant, and then tell him, sit there have a good conversation, and then ease your way and tell him. I'll tell him that you wanted to talk to him about something important, and then go from the there." He said. His plan sound pretty good. And I was willing to take that chance. "He's been worried about you, whatever happened between you guys was probably bad, but trust me he's in love with you." He hugged me before leaving.
It was Friday 5;30, and I told Faris that I was going to meet up with Israel alone, around 6:30 pm. I got dressed and put on my casual outfit, a opened flannel shirt, a skin tight crop top and cargos.
I sat at the restaurant waiting and it was now 6:25 pm. He finally showed up, wearing his usual outfit, a suit. "Hey." He said standing in front of me. I stood up giving him a friendly hug before taking my seat again. "So?" He looked at me, wanting to know why he was invited for dinner. And what was so important. "You know, Faris told me to take it slow before telling you, and I feel like if I do, I'm going to be more worried and scared to tell you. And I'm not going to want to tell you. So I'm going to just say it." I looked him in the eye playing with my hair, as my leg rushed up and down. "Tell me what?" I could see fear in his eyes that he was scared, not knowing what is going to happen.

"I'm pregnant Israel." I stared at the table knowing what his answers going to be. I looked up at him only seeing him in shocked. "Are you not happy?" I asked him scared, but mostly upset. "No it's not that, I'm happy really happy. It's just. I know how this is going to end, your telling me this and then taking the baby and leaving me, or getting an abortion. Zayla I don't want you to leave out my life, yes I made some big mistakes but you made a promise, and I really want you to keep that promise." He took my hand in his rubbing it softly.

"I'm not going to keep the baby from you, it doesn't seem right, and I'm not getting and abortion either. Someone told me to give it time, and for the past 4 days I gave it time, and I think we should work things out, slowly." I felt like it was best if we worked things out, I mean we have no choice now that we were both becoming parents. "That's great, I'm willing to. I want to, so when do you move back in?" He had a smile on his face still hold my hand. "For now, I think it's best if I stayed at my place, I still need time. Just because we're having a baby together, doesn't mean I forgave you Israel. You hurt me, badly, and what I heard made me sick to my stomach." I broke my hand free from his, and I could tell his whole mood changed.

We sat mainly in silence after what I said. I wasn't meaning to say anything like how I said it, it's just that I was so mad at him it brought back how I felt. And I wanted him to know that. "Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything to be said the way it was said, it's just that you hurt me Israel, and it kills me to say that." I covered my face exhausted, and stressed out. "No, it's okay if I wasn't me, I would hate me to." 

I changed the subject talking about the baby, he wanted a girl and I wanted a boy. I think the reason why he wanted a boy was because he didn't want him turning out like him. We discussed more about the baby, and decided that it was time to go. I could tell the whole time he wasn't really happy discussing about the baby.

We got into his car and he decided to drop me off. "Israel, are you even happy about this baby thing?" I looked out the window not wanting to look at him. "Of course, I just need some time to process it all, that all." I looked at him in the reflection of the windows seeing that he had a straight face all along. I know he's not happy, but he has to get over it at some point.

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