The Truth

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I woke up to the time being 7:30 am in the morning. I looked over to see no one in bed next to me. Israel had left, leaving me alone in bed by myself.

I got up and got in the shower, my face facing the shower head as I rinsed my face off, brushing my hair out of my face. As I did so I felt hands softly brush against my skin. I jumped in shock and gasp at the gentle touch.

I automatically knew who it was. His hands moving down the side of my breast to my side and then to my hips, taking hold of them. "Israel." I groaned. "Mmmm." He replied loving the reactions I have when he does the things he's does.

"What are you doing?" I whispered not letting him know that I was enjoying it. One thing about Israel Martinez is that he's intimidating, although I loved it. "I couldn't wait to see you, plus I heard the shower in my office so I had to come and help you if you need help." He showed a smirk on his face, showing that that's not exactly what he's here for.

Last night was amazing and I've never cared the way I care about someone until I met Israel Martinez. Never in a million years would I ever thought that I would fall for someone like Israel Martinez. But apparently I did, and it kinda made me feel safe, he's amazing handsome, drop dead gorgeous, caring, and even if he doesn't show those things, I know that he's every last one of them deep down.

I wanted to risk the world, and I wanted it to be with Israel Martinez I don't care what anyone says.


We got out the shower and I was going to look for clothes, but instead Israel wanted to pick them out. They were cute but casual, I liked it, I guess.

We went downstairs and he made me breakfast, never did I ever think that he could cook. It was good, really good. I helped him clean the kitchen, which took about an hour in a half, since we were in the mood of playing.

I seen him smile for the first time, it was beautiful. Sometimes I think to myself how does someone like him want to be with someone like me. After thinking that, my whole expression changed, I was no longer smiling, I was upset. "What's wrong?" He had the most worried face I've seen in forever. "Nothing." I continued look at the floor. "It's just that. Why would you want to be with someone like me. I mean look at me." I said looking him straight in the eye innocently, and with my eyes watering.

"I am looking at you, and I love all of you, I love how you make my day, I love how when I see you, you make butterflies flutter in my stomach, I love when you touch me and when I touch you it make me feel like I'm safe." He let all of his expressions and words fly out, and it made me feel like he could trust me. "So please Zayla, for the love of God, don't walk out my life, you mean everything to me."

I've never seen nor heard him saying anything this meaningful to mean and I broke down into tears, grabbing him and hugging him tight. "I promise, I-I promise I won't walk out your life, and I would never leave you." I continued while crying in his shoulders.

We cleaned our selves up walking into the leaving room, sitting and cuddling watching a movie. We ended up watching all of "To all the Boys I've loved Before" he was kinda enjoying it but then he wasn't. Maybe because it was about love, and confessing feelings, he didn't look like he was into that stuff much because of the way that he confessed to me.

We watched a lot of movies after watching to all the boys collection, and they were mainly romantic movies. There was a reason why I wanted to watch those types of movies, and I hope he catches on. Israel from day one that I've met him said he was never into romance, I didn't care, I kinda wanted him to get the hint of what people that were basically in love with each other do for a living, especially together or on a date.

It was now 3:58 pm and we went through a lot of movies, and I was actually excited that we spent mainly the whole day together, even though he was off work today. He decided he wanted to pick the movie next. I told him that it at least had to be romantic.

Israel's POV:

She told me I had to pick at least a romantic movie and I knew exactly which one "Okay, were watching 365 days." Her face turned completely red after I told her. "What's wrong with that." I said with curiosity. "Nothing, it's just I've heard a lot about it, that's all." She said staring at the ground with a pail face. The reason I wanted her to watch it was so she can learn, learn how to pleasure someone right. She seems to learn quickly anyways.

Last night she was incredible, I loved the way that it was almost easy to make her cum, and to hit her spot. She was quick, but it made me know that I can put her up to the challenge. I loved her reaction, but most of all I loved her, but I don't know how to tell her. I wanted to do everything with her and only her.

Zayla's POV:

I watched the movie and it was really good. I actually learned a lot of good things I could do to pleasure Israel, and I wanted to make sure he enjoyed it. It shocked me so much because there was another one and he wanted to watch it. We did.

I was kinda enjoying the movies, but I was really wanting to try a lot of things in the movies, but they were bold moves, bold moves I could never try and do. I was willing to try them if it made things fun, I had to spice things up.

It was now somewhere around 5:30 and Israel was starving. "You want me to order pizza?" I asked him trying to thing of something else to order. "Mmmm I was thinking of something else more delicious." He grabbed my waist pulling me on top of his lap. "I don't think so," I chuckled caressing the back of his neck slowly and gentle.

I ended up ordering Chinese instead. And we sat and we talked in the living room. "So how was things when. You know, when your parents were still around?" He said seeming very interested in his food, but at the same time sad. "We got along so well and I mean, I enjoyed being with my parents, even if I knew that they were getting a divorce, and that was the last trip." My legs were moving up and down fast as I continued talking to him about the situation.

I looked at the grown as doing so and played with the tips of my hair. I did that a lot because I was always nervous and scared. "So your saying the last trip you guys had before they past, the reason why they planned it, was because they were getting a divorce, and they wanted to enjoy the last time they had together as a family?" He stopped eating and looked me in the eye wanting a good response. "Yep."

"I-I'm sorry, I feel so bad." He took my hand holding it in his. "Don't be, it's obviously not your fault." I smiled at him then looking at the ground. "How's it going so far ever since?" He took my chin forcing me to look at him. "Well I mean before me and you met, they were gone for 2 months, and I was devastated and vulnerable and I thought it was all my fault like ALL my fault."

Saying those things made me loose my appetite and I felt sick to my stomach. "But when you came, when you came you helped me realize that even if it seems like everything is my fault doesn't mean it really is. I have to be strong and think of the people that really care about me. And I want to thank you for sticking by my side for the past months."

I was struggling to tell him this, I can't believe I've been holding all of that in for MONTHS. And I couldn't believe I've been in love and been stuck with him for that long.

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