Summoned to Japan

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Mirabel Madrigal rushed towards the dimming candle. She was only partially aware of her sister, Isabela, and her cousin, Camilo, trying to help her before inevitably losing their gifts and being saved by Casita. She finally grasped the dying candle, finally noticing Bruno's tower collapsing towards her. Casita aided in getting her down, before using the last of its powers to shield her from the oncoming debris.

Mirabel looked down at the candle and watched the dim flame go out. I failed. she thought. The miracle's gone now. What are we going to do? This is all my fault.

She barely heard the last of Casita's creaking in the red doors shielding her as they fell to either side of her. But she did see the dim blue light surrounding her before she disappeared from the wreckage, and Encanto altogether.

Meanwhile, in Musutafu

A villain was robbing the downtown Musutafu bank. Again.

The freshly debuted Pro Hero (not really, her debut was a little over a month ago), Mount Lady, was on the scene, along with her closest friend and fellow Pro, Kamui Woods.

"Surrender, villainous scum!" Kamui Woods shouted, preparing his branches for his signature move.

"Honestly, Kamui, you have got to stop exaggerating everything," the sexy fan favorite Pro retorted as she tried to think of a way to take the villain down without using her quirk. This is why she worked outside, her quirk was absolutely useless indoors.

The villain smirked. "Foolish heroes! Once I use my quirk, Random Summoner, I will have a hostage to make my getaway! Mwahahahahaha!!"

Mount Lady forced herself to resist rolling her eyes. This villain, Random (what a creative name, she thought), was such an idiot. Unfortunately, before she or Kamui Woods could blink, the villain's right hand lit up a dim blue. Seconds later, an afro latina teenager appeared, her neck in Random's hand. She was covered in drywall dust, had on green round glasses, and was wearing a distinct homemade dress that was definitely not Japanese. She, predictably, looked startled to suddenly be in the grasp of a villain.

"Hahahahahahahaha! How will you defeat me now, heroes?!" Random gloated.

The teenage girl narrowed her eyes at her captor, then SMACK!

Random let go of her as he curled in on himself, cradling his broken bloody nose. In a flash, the teenager ran towards the Pros and hid behind them, speaking in panicked rapid Spanish.

"Why would you do that?!" the villain sobbed, sounding very nasally. "My nose! My poor nose!"

Kamui Woods took advantage of Random's distraction, activating his Pre-Emptive Binding Laquered Chain Prison, and cuffed him in quirk-cancelling cuffs.

Mount Lady took the teenage girl outside to be looked over by the paramedics as the villain moaned in pain while being escorted to the police.

"So, what's your name?" the pro asked.

"Qué?" the girl looked lost as the paramedics checked her heart rate, as if she's never seen an ambulance in her life.

Oh right, Spanish. Luckily, Mount Lady knew a little, thanks to her distant cousins. "Cómo te llamas?"

"Me llamo Mirabel Madrigal."

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