Sports Festival: The Pledge and Obstacle Race

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Summary: The Sports Festival finally kicks off!


UA High School, Tokyo, Japan, 1-A Prep Room

Kirishima spat out the drink he was holding. He had a funny feeling that this wasn't his drink...

"So spicy!!" he gasped and coughed. "What is this?!"

Bakugou snatched his bottle away from the redhead. "Don't go drinking my drink! It's my Five Alarm Ginger Ale!"

Sato slurped his tube of condensed milk and offered it to Ojiro. "Want some?"

Ojiro grimaced. "No thanks."

Jirou chugged her drink down. "This green tea is a little weak."

Asui panicked. "That's not for drinking! That's my pond water in case I get dehydrated!"

Jirou did a spit-take, accidentally soaking her friend.

As Mirabel patted her classmate on the back while said classmate hacked her lungs out, Todoroki approached Midoriya.

"Midoriya, objectively speaking, I'm stronger than you. More capable." Todoroki deadpanned. "All Might's got his eye on you, doesn't he?"

The greenette's eyes widened. Please don't figure it out!

The stoic teen continued. "Now I'm not about to pry into why that is, but I will beat you."

"Ooh!" Kaminari sweatdropped. "A declaration of war from the strongest in the class?!"

"Hey, man!" Kirishima put his hand on Todoroki's shoulder. "Why pick a fight now?! We're about to go on!"

"I really don't care. I'm not looking to be anyone's friend, here." he shrugged off Kirishima's hand. The aforementioned redhead looked crushed.

Jirou finally stopped coughing and Mirabel turned her attention to Midoriya as he returned Todoroki's declaration of war.


UA High School, First Year Arena, Tokyo, Japan

"It's UA's Sports Festival! The one time each year when our fledgling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle!!" Present Mic announced from his position in the commentator box. Next to him, his husband Eraserhead sat with his face buried in his capture weapon. It wouldn't do if one of the cameras caught his face. He's underground for a reason.

The large crowd screamed at Present Mic's words.

"First up ... you know who I'm talking about!! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower!! The first years of the hero course!"

The first year students began to walk out of their tunnels. The crowd screamed louder.


"W-woahh..." Midoriya whimpered. "What a crowd..."

"They really give us too much credit." Kirishima looked at all the people in the stands. "We didn't really do much."

"Following Class B, it's classes C, D, and E of General Studies! And here come the support classes of F, G, and H! And the Business Course...."

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