What's a Quirk?

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Summary: The Japanese authorities attempt to get Mirabel home.

And fail.

Who will take her in?


UA High School, Principal's Office, Japan

Mirabel nervously looked at the Dog? Bear? Mouse? creature that sat in the Principal's chair as she recalled the events that led her here.

Unfortunately, Mount Lady was not completely fluent in Spanish, and neither were any available Pros, nor anyone in the police departments. It was decided to take her to someone who would definitely know her native language, the Principal of UA High, Nezu.

Upon arrival, he seemed to already know what happened despite not being there (he was watching the security cameras for fun), and starting asking questions in rapid Spanish.

She answered his questions about her home as best as she could, right until he asked her what her quirk was.

"Quirk? What's a quirk?" Mirabel asked.

"Well, there are 3 types, Heretromorphic, Transformation, and Emitter. A heretromorphic quirk changes one's appearance physically. A transformation quirk, well, tranforms one person into something entirely different, like a different person's likeness. An emitter quirk is anything that is not the first two, like super strength, controlling the weather, or speaking to animals. People who do not have a quirk at all are called the quirkless."

Mirabel sunk down further in her seat, confused. "Quirks? You mean gifts, right?"

Which then prompted the tiny principal to ask the teen to elaborate further.

Mirabel then explained her entire family history, starting with Abuela and Abuelo fleeing their home in Colombia, Abuelo giving his life, how the candle became magical, making the mountains appear, the Casita bulit, and how the candle gave the rest of the Madrigals a gift on their 5th birthday, except for her.

Unknowingly, Mirabel began to rant, letting out her emotions on how the entire familia, especially her Abuela, treated her differently after her failed ceremony. Excluding her from family pictures, ignoring her, blaming her for everything that went wrong, how her Tío Bruno looked into the future for her and left to protect her, how the only ones who cared were her mamá, papá, y Antonio, until they accidentally ignored her too.

When she took a deep breath to continue her rant, she realized she was crying, and soldiered on in her familia's history. Antonio's gift ceremony, the cracks in Casita, how no one believed her, when her sister, Lusia, started to lose her gift, her Abuela blamed her, finding the vision, the failed proposal, meeting her Tío Bruno, the second vision, helping Isabela become who she wanted to be, Abuela blaming her yet again, how she realized she would never be good enough for her Abuela, Casita falling, and her last-ditch attempt to save the candle. Then suddenly she was in the villain's hold.

"Well," Nezu started, taking a small sip of tea, "Quirks did not appear in Colombia until much later after China and Japan, which fits the timeline of when your Abuela and Abuelo fled. The candle is most likely your Abuela's quirk, which is how your familia got their gifts, or as we call them here, quirks. Quirks are known to be hereditary, but different quirks do exist in families. And 5 years old is the average age someone's quirk will manifest. It sounds like your familia, especially your Abuela, was emotionally abusive towards you. I do not think sending you back there would be very beneficial to your health."

He took a long sip while Mirabel's brain tried to process this new information. Why should she go back? Sure, her mamá, papá, Antonio, and Tío Bruno were there, and she just made up with Isabela, but they've treated her horribly for the last decade. Why shouldn't she get to be selfish, for once in her life. But there was still one problem...

"But, then where will I stay?" she finally asked.

Nezu just smiled. "Your new foster father will take you in. He'll also teach you Japanese, and train you to be a hero. You certainly have the makings of one. Mirabel Madrigal - the World's First Quirkless Hero. Yes, that's an excellent title." He pressed a button on his desk.

"Aizawa, would you please come to my office?"

Quirks? You Mean Gifts, Right?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant