Midoriya Spills His Guts

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Summary: The UA staff has a meeting reviewing what they've observed from the first day.

We get a small look at Bakugou's POV.

Oh, and Midoriya tells Mirabel the entire truth about One for All.


UA High School, Staff Meeting Room, Tokyo, Japan

Every year, after orientation day at UA, the staff would gather in a meeting room with a long oval table to discuss potential concerns, students that had stood out (for better or worse), and to make bets for the upcoming school year.

Yamada Hizashi, better known as Pro Hero Present Mic, leaned to his left and whispered to his colleague and friend Kayama Nemuri AKA Pro Hero Midnight, "20 yen says Shouta expelled 3 students today, and 1 of them didn't even finish the quirk apprehension test."

Midnight smirked and replied, "40 yen and 2 weeks of detention duty says it was 2, and 5 of the rest won't last a week."

"You two aren't as quiet as you think."

The extroverted pros froze as they glanced at the speaker, Ishiyama Ken AKA Pro Hero Cementoss. "50 yen and 3 weeks of detention duty, plus a month of grading papers, says he expelled 1, nearly expelled another, and kept the rest."

"You're on!"

"I think I know my husband better than that."

"No, you don't." Aizawa Shouta, the Pro Hero Eraserhead, was in the doorway.

Nezu brightened up. "Aizawa, just in time! The meeting's about to begin! Come sit down! Anything of note in your class today?"

Aizawa stalked to the only empty seat in the room, next to his husband Hizashi. "I expelled a purple midget during the ball throw test today. He was perverted, quirkist, sexist, and the hero industry is better off without him."

Present Mic stole a glance at Midnight.

"I almost expelled another kid who wasn't using his quirk to the fullest extent, but he proved me wrong, so I decided not to. The rest definitely have potential."

Cementoss leaned over the table, a hand held out to Midnight. "Pay up."

She grumbled as she pulled a wad of yen out of nowhere and shoved it into his hand as she and Present Mic exchanged yen (sorry I have no idea how betting works).

In his shrunken down form, All Might, or Yagi Toshinori as he was now, was watching silently until this point. "What do you mean quirkist? Was he making fun of a fellow classmate with a stereotypical 'weak' quirk?"

Aizawa's eyes hardened as he honed in on the Symbol of Peace. Yagi felt a shiver of fear. "No. He was putting down and insulting a quirkless classmate after she completed her ball throw."

Yagi's eyebrows rose. A quirkless hero course student? It'll be incredibly difficult for this girl. I couldn't be a quirkless hero myself, so I should, no, I will do what I can to help her. The world needs a change. "Well, it's about time we had a quirkless hero." Aizawa's terrifying aura seemed to lessen as Yagi turned to Nezu. "When the Commission finds out, they'll throw a fit. What can I do to help?"

Nezu's grin sharpened. "She's Aizawa's adoptive daughter, I believe you could teach her a little about spotlight heroics."

Midnight turned on the underground hero. "You adopted someone?! And you didn't tell me?! I haven't even gotten to meet her! Does Tensei know? You know I've always wanted to be the cool wine aunt!"

Present Mic snickered. "At least you didn't find out about the little listener by getting up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, just to see a pair of glasses-covered eyes staring at you from the darkness. I almost burst her eardrums. And no, Tensei does not know."

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