USJ - Part 4

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Summary: Midoriya, Asui and Mirabel escape the Shipwreck Zone.

Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and Kaminari fight their villians, along with a pinch of MomoJirou.

All Might arrives, and the rest of the Pros and police are almost there!


Random question: If Antonio's gift is understanding animals, and humans are technically animals, does that mean he can understand every spoken language in the world?


USJ, Tokyo, Japan, Shipwreck Zone

Midoriya, Asui, and Mirabel nervously looked at each other as they finally put their plan into action. Mirabel took out her collapsible staff, enlarged it, and pressed the button to turn on the taser at the end. Aiming it directly next to side of the sinking ship, she chucked the staff like a javelin, watching it quickly touch and sink into the water. Almost instantly, the sparks spread outwards to the villains, shocking them and knocking them out. They'd still be able to breathe underwater. Mirabel smirked as they sank below the surface. Water was extremely conductive, after all.

"That takes care of the villains." Midoriya sighed in relief.

"But how will we leave the ship? We can't swim now, kero. The electricity was spread through all of the water. One touch, and it's lights out." Asui questioned.

"We knew that would happen." Mirabel acknowledged. "We had no choice. There wasn't any other way to, er, what's the phrase in Japanese again? Remove them from the algebra numbers?"

"Get them out of the equation." Asui corrected.

"Yeah, that."

"Tsu," the greenette asked, "how far can you leap?"

"Depends if I'm carrying something or not. If not, I can jump 150 times my body length. My tongue can stretch out 20 meters, so that gives us less area to cross."

Midoriya adopted a look of concentration. "I have an idea, but we need to act fast before the ship completely submerges. Do either of you know how a bola works?"


USJ, Tokyo, Japan, Mountain Zone

Kaminari screamed as he narrowly avoided one of the larger villains' punches and started running back towards his classmates. "These dudes are terrifying! My whole life just flashed before my eyes, I think I just saw the Grim Reaper! What's going on?"

"Could you maybe take it down a few notches?" Jirou Kyoka asked as she and Yaoyorozu fought some of the other villains off.

Yaoyorozu had made the purple haired girl a sword, while the class representative held a bo staff. "Right now, we need to focus on getting away from these enemies."

"Then pull out a weapon for me, too!"

"You're the one with electrical powers." Jirou countered. "Just zap them so we can run."

"Were you not paying attention during combat training? Some partner you were. I can cover my body with electricity, but if I try to shoot it out, it'll go everywhere! I'd take you guys down with them! Or did you want shock treatment today? It's a good thing the alarms finally went off, and I already called for help! They're on their way, but there's no telling how long it'll be until they get here! I'm counting on you two!" he gave them a thumbs up. "I'm no help in this situation. You've gotta get us out of here. Please!"

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