Preparation and New Discovery

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Summary: Under Aizawa's training, Midoriya discovers how to stop breaking his bones.

A small training mishap.

Mirabel talks to Todoroki.


UA High School, Tokyo, Japan, Outside

Mirabel was currently wearing her UA gym uniform while swinging a new staff next to one of the school's numerous gyms. Mei had made her a new one after the first one met its demise during the USJ attack. This staff was going to be used by Mirabel during the Sports Festival. She had no quirk of her own, so she filled out application after application so she could use her support gear. Unfortunately, only her staff was approved.

Meanwhile, everyone in Class 1A was preparing for the Sports Festival in two weeks' time.

Iida was running across the P.E. Grounds with his quirk, passing by Kaminari overloading his brain from his quirk. Asui was using the school's swimming pool to catch a small toy fish with her quirk. Shoji was lifting weights in one of UA's many weight rooms. Across from him, Hagakure was struggling to do pull-ups. In Ground Beta, Ojiro did parkour across the rooftops, often passing Sero, whom was using his quirk like Spider-Man to swing around the area.

Uraraka, Ashido, and Aoyama had teamed up to train in the USJ's Collapse Zone, with the brunette using her quirk to float large boulders while the pinkette and blond used their quirks to destroy them. Aoyama missed one, which landed harshly on his head. "Ow..." he whimpered, holding the injured spot. "Let's get you some ice," Ashido suggested. "Great idea," Uraraka agreed. "I'm sure Recovery Girl will have some. We should take a break anyway."

In Ground Omega, Koda used his quirk to talk to the animals in the peacefully tranquil silence. "RAAAAAAAARRRR!!" Sato screamed as he used his quirk on the trees a few yards away from Koda, scaring away all the animals. About a hundred yards away from them, Bakugou blew up even more trees with a deafening bang! Well, almost peaceful.

In Ground Alpha, Kirishima jumped off a building and used his quirk to crash land in the street below. Aizawa looked away from where he was helping Midoriya on a rooftop half a block away, and glared at the redhead. "No jumping off of tall structures, Kirishima! What if you didn't activate your quirk in time?! You'd be nothing but a splatter on the pavement!" "Yes, Aizawa-Sensei. Won't happen again. Sorry, sir."

Aizawa turned back to Midoriya. "Let's continue, Problem Child. What do you think of when you're using your quirk?"

Midoriya put his chin in his hand and muttered, "Well, it's like an egg in a microwave. If I heat the egg up too long, it'll explode in the microwave, like my bones did in the entrance exam. But I heat it up too little, there's not much of an effect at all. I need to find the perfect balance between the two."

Aizawa stared at the greenette. "An egg in a microwave? No offense, kid, but that's a terrible analogy. How about a dam? The more power you use, the more water that will get released into the reservoir below. But releasing too much water will flood the town next to the reservoir."

"Yeah, that'll work better." Midoriya agreed. "I'm really bad at analogies."

Aizawa facepalmed. "No wonder you broke your bones. You kept flooding the reservoir and the town beside it."

Midoriya blinked. "Wait - a flood! When water rises, it doesn't stay in one place! It goes everywhere! That's what I've been doing wrong! When All Might turns buff, he doesn't inflate one limb at a time! He does it all at once!"

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