Battle Trials

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Summary: A reveal at how Bakugou's therapy is going, a brief look at (normal) classes, a costume malfunction, then battle trials. Plus a surprise!


UA High School, Hound Dog's Office, Tokyo, Japan

Bakugou sat on the plush couch across from UA's resident guidance counselor and therapist, Hound Dog, civilian name Inui Ryo. After a much needed talk with his parents, it was decided that the youngest Bakugou would try to speak to UA's Hound Dog. If that was a bust, they'd search for other therapists near their home and UA. He had arrived at his school an hour before he had to get to class so he could talk to the Hunting Dog Hero about some therapy sessions, and possibly anger management. They had agreed to meet an hour before class started every Monday, and Hound Dog suggested that they could start now while they still had time.

"What kind of hero do you want to be, Bakugou?"

"The fuck kinda question is that? I wanna be like All Might, duh."

Hound Dog merely nodded. "Yes, you and every little kid in Japan. Yet there can only be one All Might. What kind of traits do you want your hero persona to be known for? What will separate you from every other hero out there in the world?"

Bakugou scoffed. He would never admit it, but this therapy thing was hard. "I wanna be the hero who always wins. One who never backs down from a fight."

"So you want to be like Endeavor?"

Bakugou sat up indignantly. "Hell no! He's an asshole!"

"But he always wins, does he not? And he never backs down from a fight." he pointed out.

Bakugou groaned. Therapy was really hard. "Yeah, but I don't want people to see me as an asshole."

Hound Dog nodded. "Think about it over the next week. In the meantime, you should get to class."

Bakugou looked at the time and saw that he had 10 minutes before he was officially late. "Shit!" He grabbed his bag, stood up, and rushed to the door before pausing. Without turning around, he forced his next words out, "Thanks. For doing this." and sped-walked into the halls.


UA High School, Tokyo, Japan, Class 1A

This is so boring. Most of Class 1A collectively thought as they sat in English class. Present Mic was a godsend for trying to make it as entertaining as possible.

Fortunately for Mirabel, some of the older people in the Encanto were bilingual and knew both Spanish and English. After getting no gift, quirk, she mentally corrected herself, and ending up very lonely, she used to talk to them, and started learning English for fun.

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