Sports Festival: Calvary Battle - Part 1

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Summary: Calvary Battle time!

A/N: I've recently become obsessed with a Korean (at least, I think it's Korean. I think.) manga called Into the Light Once Again.

A princess named Alisa adores her younger sister, Marianne. Then, Marianne poisons herself and frames Alisa for the "attempted murder", so Alisa is executed. No one in her family believed in her innocence. Alisa is then reincarnated as the princess from a former enemy empire, and renamed Aisha.

She still has her memories, and is determined to not open her heart up to her new parents and big brother. She does, eventually, but Marianne is still a wolf in sheep's clothing, and Aisha, who can now see spirits and summon spirits of light to heal others, wants revenge for what her past family did to her.

I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to read it.


UA High School, First Year Stadium, Tokyo, Japan

Aizawa Mirabel desperately looked around for someone, anyone. No one would team up with her. She had too many points, and no one wanted to be a target.

"Mirabel!!" a familiar voice called.

Mirabel turned and sighed in relief. "Mei-chan!"

Hatsume Mei walked up to her friend, carrying many support items. "You're in first place, so I wanna be on your team!!"

Mirabel smiled and facepalmed. "I see. You want the spotlight for your babies, right?"

The girl with the pink dreadlocks nodded enthusiastically. "Got it in one, Ten Million!"

Mirabel looked at her friend. "Okay! But we still need 2 more members...."


Both girls turned to look at the speaker. It was Midoriya. He looked scared, like he was ready to bolt at a moment's notice. "Help me, please! Can I be on your team?"

Behind him, there was a hoard of people begging to be on his team. Of course, Mirabel thought. As he got second place in the obstacle race, teaming up with him would be a guaranteed win. But all those people crowding him are triggering his anxiety. He needs a friendly face right now.

Mirabel smiled. "Of course you can! I think you'd operate best as a horse, especially for close combat. You're also an amazing strategist, so you should be team leader. The other teams will be expecting the rider, me, to give orders. Let's throw them off!"

Midoriya sighed in relief before blushing full force again. He hid his face behind his hands as Mei turned to the crowd, still begging for a place on his team.


They quickly cleared off after that.

Except for one person.

"Yaoyorozu!" Midoriya jumped. "Uh, w-what are you-?"

"I'd like to join your team, please!" she looked almost embarrassed, with her blush. She was also avoiding looking at any of them in their eyes.

Mirabel smiled. "Sure! We have all 4 members now, so what does our point value add up to?"

Midoriya and Yaoyorozu started doing math in their head.

"One million for Mirabel-" Midoriya started.

"Midoriya has 210-" Yaoyorozu continued.

"Yaoyorozu has 130-"

"Hatsume has 10-"

"1,000,350 points!" They finished.

Hatsume grinned. "Great! I'll go get our headband!" she rushed off to where Midnight was passing out the headbands from a- was that a printing machine? Teachers were weird.

After she came back with the headband in tow, Mirabel smiled. "Ok, strategy talk!"

Midoriya said, "I'm a horse. I'll be in the back."

Yaoyorozu looked at her teammates, a contemplative expression on her face. "Mirabel should be the rider."

"W-wait, really?"

Mei nodded, "Makes sense."

Midoriya's eyes shined. "Yeah! You can use your staff from above to make anyone back off! Especially with the electricity!"

Mirabel agreed, and took Yaoyorozu's offered hand to steady herself as Hatsume and Midoriya's hands joined to support her right foot. It was a bit of a struggle to form the right formation until they were comfortable, but they got there. She reached behind herself to get some of Hatsume's babies and put them on herself and her fellow hero course classmates.

Mirabel tied their headband around her neck, tight enough to not be grabbed easily, but loose enough that it wouldn't choke her. She then strategically moved her long hair around to cover most of their points from view, but still visible enough to not get reprimanded from Midnight-sensei.

She looked around the field at the other teams.

Todoroki was the rider of his team, and he had Iida as his front horse, Uraraka on his left, and Kaminari on his right.

Bakugou got Kirishima as the front horse, Mina on his right, and Sero on his left. The blond was slightly blushing at something the redhead was saying.

Shoji had both of his two teammates on his back, hidden in his arms. Asui and Ojiro. Asui's tongue was poking out slightly, as was Ojiro's tail.

Shinsou somehow convinced Aoyama, Tokoyami, and the boy from 1B who yelled at and cornered them after class, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, to join his team. The silver haired boy seemed to have a change of heart after Mirabel's yelling and Midnight's detention.

"Your 15 minutes are up." Midnight announced. "Time to get started."

"Hey, wake up, Eraser!!" Present Mic yelled at the snoozing love of his life. "And now all 12 teams are lined up and ready to move!!"

Eraserhead woke up and calculatingly swept his eyes over the field. "... Interesting. The teams they've come up with. Yet, I only see one team with my class that is not just hero students. Class, what have I told you about covering all your bases?"

Most of Class 1A sheepishly ducked their heads as some of the crowd laughed.

"LET'S GET A BATTLE CRY!!!" Present Mic hyped the screaming crowd. "Here comes the starting signal!! Blood begets blood in the UA Grand Match!!"

"Yaoyorozu, Mirabel-chan, Hatsume," Midoriya said as the Colombian-Japanese girl grinned and took out her staff, extended it, and pressed the electricity button. "Let's do this!"

"Three!! Two!! One!! START!!!" Present Mic and the crowd screamed together.

The battle had begun.

A/N: Yes, that last sentence was a pun.

For some reason, the tag for this fic on my tumblr (same username as the one I use here) isn't showing up for me.

Does it show up for anyone else out there? I may need to get on tumblr support.

Also, here are the (relevant) teams!

Team Mirabel: Mirabel, Midoriya, Hatsume, and Yaoyorozu

Team Todoroki: Todoroki, Kaminari, Iida, and Uraraka

Team Bakugou: Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, and Sero

Team Shoji: Shoji, Asui, Ojiro

Team Shinsou: Shinsou, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Tetsutetsu

Team Hagakure: Hagakure, Jirou, Koda, and Sato

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