Back in Encanto and First Day

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Summary: Little time skip here.

We get a glimpse of what's happening back in Encanto, and the first day.


9 1/2 months later



Encanto, Colombia

Bruno walked down the town's street. It was so different from living in the walls, that even nearly 10 months after Casita collapsed, it was ... refreshing. Strolling by the town's square, he began to reminisce on how it all ended up like this.

After Casita's destruction, there was no hide nor hair of his favorite niece, Mirabel. The entire Madrigal family and the town had searched for months before assuming the worst. His sister and brother-in-law, Julieta and Agustín, were inconsolable.

Isabela, Luisa, and Antonio, who thought of Mirabel as his big sister rather than prima, stayed in denial for weeks until they too could no longer deny that their precious sister didn't survive.

Abuela, surprisingly, took it the hardest. She regretted her actions with Mirabel, often berating herself for ever blaming her granddaughter for events that, in hindsight, were definitely not her fault. She still cried.

Pepa, Félix, Dolores, and Camilo didn't have a very close relationship with Mirabel (except for Camilo, and only when they were much younger, before Mirabel's gift ceremony), but that didn't make them grieve any less.

After the Madrigals had gotten it together enough to hold a funeral, the entire town came together to help rebuild Casita. By then, Bruno had long since revealed himself (and after a heartfelt reunion), there was an unspoken agreement to never complain about Bruno again. They couldn't lose another Madrigal.

As soon as the rebuilt Casita was finished, somehow the magic came back, along with the familia's gifts, though there was no candle. The second Dolores got hers back, she confirmed that she couldn't hear Mirabel. It was expected, but heartbreaking nevertheless.

Bruno paused in his walk to look at the clouds lazily rolling by. Mirabel, if you are somehow still alive, wherever you are, please be safe.



UA High School, Tokyo, Japan

Mirabel stood nervously outside her new classroom, Class 1A.

After learning everything about the modern world (of which she knew basically nothing, having grown up in an isolated community), she knew she definitely wanted to be a Pro Hero. Aizawa had trained her to his fullest extent in such a short amount of time, in hand-to-hand combat, weapons, and even reading body language. He even officially adopted her a few months into training, and helped her become completely fluent in Japanese. More than that, he recommended her for the UA Recommendations Hero Exam, which she passed with flying colors.

Nezu had warned both her and her new adoptive father that the small-minded public would rage when they heard that a quirkless foreigner had passed the recommendation exams and got a spot in the best hero school in the world. All three of them came up with a solution: this year, there would be 5 recommendation students and 21 students in Class 1A (3 of them being from recommendations).

Shaking her head out of her thoughts, Aizawa Mirabel straightened her UA High Hero Course uniform, nodded determinedly, and opened the classroom door before stepping inside.

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