Representatives and Break In

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Summary: Class 1A must elect a class representative and vice representative.

There's also an alarm and a break in.


Kamino Ward, Yokohama, Japan, In an Undisclosed Bar

"Did you see this joke?" a crusty man with severed hands on his arms, neck, and face asked, setting a glass of alcohol with ice on top of a newspaper with All Might's smiling face plastered on it. "It says he's a teacher now. Hey."

The bartender, a man in a dress shirt and vest with purple wisps floating off his body, turned his attention to the speaking man.

"What do think'll happen when the mighty Symbol of Peace ... is finally killed by the villains?"


UA High School Front Gates, Tokyo, Japan

Aizawa Mirabel groaned as she saw the front gates of her school flooded with reporters. Díos mio, not the vultures.

Sure enough, reporters from all over Japan were camped in front of UA's front gates. No doubt they'd heard about the Symbol of Peace himself teaching at his alma mater.

Maybe she should've arrived earlier than 10 minutes before class started. Too late now, she thought as the vultures reporters noticed her as she approached.

"What's All Might like?"

"Tell us about his teaching methods!"

"Hey, you! Can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with someone like All Might?" one reporter asked as a microphone was shoved in her face.

Thankfully, Mirabel's other adoptive father, Yamada Hizashi AKA Present Mic, had given her a couple lessons in dealing with the media. She plastered on a fake smile, one that the oblivious media wouldn't catch was fake, as she replied, "Sure! But I wonder what Principal Nezu would do if he knew the media was harassing his students for an interview, without parental consent. And right outside his own school, too." The smile never left her face.

The reporters and cameramen froze as they realized the implications. They stepped back without another word, giving Mirabel lots of space as she thanked them while making her way inside, not noticing the female reporter trying to make her way in and accidentally setting of the barrier's defenses, nor the crusty man minus the severed hands spying on them.


UA High School, Tokyo, Japan, Class 1A

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys," Aizawa complimented the class. "I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results." He started to address each student individually. "Bakugou. You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

"Yeah, whatever," said student rolled his eyes.

"And Midoriya."

The green haired student jumped.

"I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Meet me after class today to discuss what we talked about after the first day."


"So let's get down to business."

Someone in front of Mirabel whispered, "To defeat. The Huns."

"Kaminari, detention with Midnight in the hero art history classroom after school. Got it?"

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