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"So, what did I miss?" Beetle asked Sandshard.
"I don't know, I was away for most of your Metamorphosis." He replied.
"Well," Magma said, "I can tell you."
The three dragonets were walking to history class. Beetle had come out of her cocoon the previous day, and wanted to know about everything she'd missed.
"Firefly and Poison Oak became a couple, Mosquito got sent to detention, I'm pretty sure Icebreaker and Bloodspiller have started a cult, and I'm a big sister now." Magma said.
"Wait, you're a big sister?" Sandshard asked.
"Yep." Magma answered. "I now have five little siblings. They hatched on the third day you were gone."
"What are their names?" Beetle asked.
"Jay, Robin, Sparrow, Kestrel, and Crane." Magma replied. "So, Sandshard, what were you up to?"
Sandshard told Magma and Beetle about what had happened on his journey.
"Aren't you brave?" Beetle said affectionately after Sandshard finished his story.
"Yep." Sandshard said, smiling.
Magma felt like rolling her eyes. She didn't really understand romance. Actually, she did, it just wasn't for her.
"I'm gonna help my mom set up!" Beetle announced. The HiveWing-SilkWing hybrid raced ahead.
"I have a question." Sandshard said.
"What is your question?"
"Do you know what 'Persephone' means?"
Magma paused. That's definitely a word in the old language. Something about it sounds familiar. I think I've read that word somewhere.
"Sorry, I don't." Magma answered. "But it sounds familiar. Why do you want to know?"
"I saw it graffitied on a wall in the Lost City of Night." Sandshard said.
That was when Magma realized something. "I don't think Persephone is a word." She said.
"I think it's a name."

Wings of fire a new generation: The Stronghold Battle (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now