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"Here it is," Snowfall said, limping inside. The cavernous room still held the statues, but now there was an angry frozen dragon in the middle of it.
"Yep, that's definitely her." Luna said, walking up to Wasp's body. She stuck her tongue out at the former queen.
Then Luna looked at the statues. "Oh, wow." She said, walking up to the BeetleWing. "So that's what a BeetleWing looked like."
"I'm more curious about that giant one." Qibli said, pointing to the dragon standing on the human skulls. Luna looked at her, and gasped.
"What is it?" Qibli asked.
"I've seen this dragon before," Luna said, "in a vision of the Scorching. She looked like a bigger version of Freedom." Then Luna gasped again.
"That's Freedom's mother!"
"That makes sense," Qibli said. "She's considered the dragon with the most intense drive to kill humans. And you did say she had only one egg."
"What was her name?" Luna asked.
"Her name was Persephone." Qibli said.
The Bringer of Death and Destruction, Luna thought. That's quite a name.
"Let's get out of this room," Snowfall cut in. "It's giving me the creeps."
Qibli and Snowfall both walked out, but Luna glanced back before she left. It looked like Persephone was glaring at her.
Luna shivered, and ran out of the room.

Wings of fire a new generation: The Stronghold Battle (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now