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Snowfall swiped her serrated claws across Wasp's face. The former HiveWing Queen screamed and tried to stab Snowfall, throwing her onto the roof.
Wasp chuckled. "Pathetic. I would have expected a queen who fought her predecessor to the death to do better."
Snowfall grunted, an old wound reopened. She hadn't fought her mother to the death, she had watched her waste away in her bed.
"Oh, right, you didn't." Wasp said. "You watched her waste away to nothing in her bed. Ha!" The HiveWing stepped over the IceWing Queen. "I strangled my mother to death in her bed; she didn't even have a chance."
"You're a monster." Snowfall said.
"Oh, I know." Wasp replied, driving her claws into Snowfall's back. "How did you think I ruled for fifty years? Other dragons can't be trusted, so I made them loyal to me." She dug her foot deeper into Snowfall's back, drawing blood.
"I certainly know you would have loved to control your subjects, before you went soft." Wasp said. "It will be fun to tear both you and that worm Cricket apart."
"I'm...beginning to...understand...what Scarlet...sees in you." Snowfall choked out.
"Oh, we're just casual in that regard." Wasp said. "She's a kindred spirit; the only kind of dragon I'll let anywhere near me. Your trust in others has made you weak."
At those words, Snowfall summoned the power of the Gift of Strength and pushed Wasp off of her.
"No," Snowfall said to Wasp. "It made me strong."

Wings of fire a new generation: The Stronghold Battle (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now