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The eight dragonets sat in the infirmary. Seal had a bandage on her arm, where she had been cut.
"So," Magma began, breaking the silence. "What just happened?"
"I was able to look at Bloodspiller's mind." Listener said. "He can see the future. And he wasn't lying about the next couple of months being dangerous for us. Especially Poison Oak."
"I can handle it, whatever it is." Poison Oak said. "You should probably all stay away from me, though."
"What, no!" Firefly yelled. "That's not going to happen! I won't let it happen!"
"But you could get hurt." Poison Oak said. "I don't want you to get hurt."
"Well, I don't want you to die!"
"Okay, break it up!" Sandshard said. "I have a theory. We know Scarlet was brought back from the dead, right?"
"Yes." Magma said.
"And we know that Chameleon still had some of Darkstalker's scroll, right?"
"Right." Beetle said.
"And Scarlet and Chameleon have worked together before."
"What are you getting at?" Gill asked.
Sandshard looked around the room. "I think that Scarlet is working with Vulture and Wasp to take over both continents."

Wings of fire a new generation: The Stronghold Battle (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now