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"Alright, everyone!" Cricket said, clasping her talons together. "Today, we're learning about Queen Ruby!"
Magma smiled a bit. She knew Ruby. The SkyWing queen was incredibly kind and fair. She had let the SkyWing-MudWing hybrid spend time in the wingery when her parents were busy, and would check in on her every hour during those days. Although, Magma knew her son, Cliff, much better, as he used to occasionally babysit her.
"Queen Ruby is the last living daughter of Queen Scarlet, who died almost ten years ago. She was killed by Ruby herself, in fact."
Magma shivered. She knew enough about Scarlet, because her mother had served under the former queen. Magma had heard enough horror stories about Scarlet's reign.
I could use this to look at the journal, she thought. Magma pulled a Journal of the Scorching out and looked at it.
As Cricket droned on, Magma unrolled it and jumped when she read one of the words on the scroll.
I can find out who she was! Magma thought, and started to read.
Recently, dragon eggs have been stolen across the continent of Pyrrhia. I learned about all this from my travels.
And today, I've met a group of dragons who have an idea about how to stop it from happening ever again. They're going to destroy the dens of the creatures responsible, and wipe them from the face of the planet.
I don't think it's a good idea, but their leader is...persuasive, let's say.
She's the oldest dragon I've ever met, and also the biggest. She's orange, with copper-green underscales. And although I haven't seen her hurt anyone yet, I know she's immensely dangerous.
Her name is Persephone.
Magma stopped reading. I'm going to show this to Sandshard.
Just as soon as class ends.

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