Chapter 4

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Namjoon's POV- 

"What the hell is going on, Jungkook?"

I'm getting tired of this. 

Jungkook started being mean to Jimin a few months ago, and at first I thought it was teasing, but after I heard how he spoke to Jimin a few nights ago...well, I think not.

And I sure as hell will not tolerate it.

I stare down the youngest  member of our group, waiting for him to crack. He almost always does with me. 

After about thirty seconds of silence, he turns to me, biting on his lip and running a hand through his hair, looking distressed. "You can't tell anyone."

"I won't." I promise immediately, hoping it's not going to be something horribly awkward.

"Jimin hyung is...well.. he's..."

"Being mistreated by you." I say, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't go into the same room with him just to be mean! He's pissing me off! He does stuff that makes me angry, which leads to me being mean to him!"

"Jungkook, I was watching last night. Jimin did nothing to you. He was lying on the couch with Taehyung and you called him clingy and annoying. Out of nowhere."

"That's the problem, hyung! He is clingy! It's unnecessary for him to constantly hang on to people! I'm the only one brave enough to say something!"

I tilt my head. "Jungkook, are you mad because he was cuddling with Tae?"

"Yes!" He looks at me like he's proud I understand.

But I honestly don't. "...Why?" I ask.

"Because it's annoying! It's annoying to everyone when he does it!"

Here's where I have to disagree because I honestly don't mind Jimin's skinship. I think it's cute.

"Jungkook." I say. "I understand that you find Jimin touching you annoying and clingy, but not everyone thinks that way. I'm sure that if he is truly bothering anyone, they will speak for themselves and let him know. Jimin doesn't enjoy making people uncomfortable; he's respectful. Therefore, when he is asked to stop, he will. He's stopped clinging to you, hasn't he?"

Jungkook glares at the floor and realization hits me. Oh. Oh. 

"Is that the problem here? You aren't the one he's touching?" I sit on the bed next to him and lower my voice. "Jungkook, are you jealous?"

A/N: Isn't Joonie so smart? My dumbass would have never caught on that quickly. 🤣 Anywayyss, sorry for the short chapter, but thanks for reading:)

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