Chapter 11

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Jimin's POV-

*About a few months later*


I turn around and look at Jungkook, wiping sweat from around my temples. "Yes?"

Jungkook doesn't say anything. He crosses the empty dance studio and doesn't stop in front of me, forcing me to take a few steps back and into the wall. 

He suddenly grabs my jaw, his eyes blazing, and pulls it up to meet my lips with his.


He doesn't stop at a peck, either. His lips move fiercely against mine, trying to get a reaction out of me. I'm frozen. This isn't right. This isn't good. I'm supposed to be giving up and moving on. What is he doing?

Since I've completely given up hope on a romantic relationship with Jungkook, we tried our hardest to make a platonic one work. However, my platonic relationship with Jungkook is completely different than one with anyone else. I don't let hugs last longer than a second and there are lots of boundaries. 

 It's been easier than I thought it would be and we are doing so well. At least that's what I thought.

Despite the extremely hot and fluttering feeling welling up inside me, I stay still and unresponsive until he pulls away. However, he doesn't go far when he does. 

"Kiss me back." he whispers, his breath brushing on my lips.

"Jungkook..." I say, my resolve rippling pathetically.

I put my hands to his chest to push him away but he catches my wrists.

"Please, hyung." 

He kisses me again, knowing he weakened me with his "please" because he knows I hate when he begs as if I won't give him anything he wants.

His tongue slides across the seam of my lips and I melt into him, opening my mouth to let him in, giving up on protecting my healing heart.

He presses himself into me, grinding his hips into mine and trailing his lips in kisses across my jaw and down my neck. 

At this point my moans are so loud that if I could think clearly, I would be embarrassed.  

He releases my hands as he moves back to my mouth and I tangle my fingers in his hair, pulling his head closer to deepen the kiss. 

He groans into my mouth and runs his hands down my back, under my shirt, then his movements slow a little. His left hand trails up my back, leaving goose bumps in its wake, and his right hand slides around my body to the front, heading toward my pants—


I hear Hobi's voice, and sort of snap out of it, breaking the kiss and trying to get Jungkook off me. Jungkook doesn't have the same mindset.

He catches my wrists and pins them in one hand above my head as if we are on some Fifty Shades of Grey shit, and moves his lips to my neck when I turn my face away to keep my lips from him. Hitting that soft sweet spot instantly.

I moan in frustrated pleasure. "Kookie, please stop. He's coming."

"I don't care." he mutters as I struggle hopelessly against him.

"Jimin!" Hobi says again. "Wake up! Jimin-ah, please wake up! You are dreaming!"

I lurch up into a sitting position and find myself in bed with Hoseok hyung, drenched in a cold sweat. He stares at me with sleepy but concerned eyes, smoothing sweat damp, now faded orange, hair away from my forehead.

"Hobi hyung?" I say, my voice shaky.

"Yes, it's me. Are you okay? You were moaning—"

I break into tears. What frustrates me is that I don't specifically even know why.

Hobi doesn't even ask. He takes me in his arms and hold onto me shushing me and telling me that it's okay, even though I'm not sure it is.

A/N: Do you hate me, now? I'm sorry. Vote and comment:) I love you all and thank you for reading!

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