Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV-

I actually considered writing something, maybe even getting Namjoon to write a song with me, as an apology for Jimin. But then I thought that I'd be able to do it myself, with nothing prepared, to show just how sorry I am.

I get this nervous feeling in my stomach as he shuts the door and turns to face me, pulling his fingers through his brilliant red hair and avoiding my eyes.

"Jimin-ah." I can't... endure him not looking at me anymore. 


"Please look at me. Please."

He does, hesitantly looking into my eyes, hugging himself. "You... don't have to beg. Is there something you need?"

"Yeah." I take a deep breath. 

"Jimin-ah, I'm am so sorry for treating you the way I did, it was hateful and extremely unexceptionable. I realize that it made you upset and I feel absolutely horrible. I have no excuse, but I promise I will change if you give me a second chance."

He stares at me, his lips parted in surprise. "This...this is about how you treated me the other night?"

"That and every time before that." I know he knows what I mean. I see it in his eyes. I feel a twinge of hope, thinking the emotion in his eyes means I'm forgiven.

However the emotion changes almost as soon as it flashed up. He leans against the door, looking defensive. "You told on me."

I tilt my head in confusion. "What?"

"You sent Namjoon hyung to scold me, when you are the one that acted like it wouldn't have made a difference whether I talked to you or not. You wanted me to leave you alone, so I did. And you got me in trouble for it."

"I would have never told to get you in trouble, Jimin hyung." 

Even though I didn't do it often before all of this, I know he likes it when I treat him with respect—which is reasonable since he is older than me— so I make sure to include hyung. I'm playing all my good cards here. I can't explain why but the need for him to forgive me is so strong it hurts. I don't think I've ever been so desperate to please someone.

My chest is tight as Jimin's defensive posture doesn't drop.

"I just... it just hurt, hyung. I didn't know it would until I tried to smile at you and you refused to meet my stare even though I knew you knew I was looking at you. It hurt when you immediately shrugged my hand off you or rejected my hugs when we all know you love skinship." I don't even bother to wipe the tears that are falling, and I speak through sniffles and half sobs. "I didn't like were the same to everyone else but me. It hurt, and I deal with pain differently than Taehyung or someone. I don't like being...vulnerable." 

Vulnerable. That's what I am right now. I can deal with it though. For some reason, it's worth it. Falling apart like a baby. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I don't care. It's worth it.

"So, I hurt you, Jimin hyung." I'm surprised he can understand me. "And I'm so sorry for it."

I try to calm down and when I finally succeed, I look up hopefully to meet Jimin's eyes. He's still against the door. His eyes are teary and he has a hand over his mouth and nose, "Okay," he sniffles. "Okay."

"Okay?" I ask.

He laughs cutely, sounding like he's crying a little. "Yes, Kookie. Okay. I accept your apology, we can try again, to be friends."

"With only me?" I ask. It's worth a try.

He laughs, not knowing just how serious I actually am, but I laugh too. Just going with my "joke". 

Is it wrong that I feel a twinge of disappointment when we come down to the kitchen together and he chooses to sit between Hoseok hyung and Taehyung, and not me?

A/N: Comment and vote if you like! Love y'all, and thank you for reading!:))

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