Chapter 20

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Taehyung's POV-

Jimin appears to be having a hard time keeping warm. Despite his large sweater, he is burrowed under two sheets and a blanket, a warm mug in his hands. He told me that he walked home; he's probably sick.

"Why didn't you call a ride home?" I asked him.

"Shhh!" he says, his eyes on the screen.

Me and Jimin are watching K-dramas.

Yes. K-dramas. We're weird best friends, okay?

The actress on the screen has tears rolling down her cheeks; she has just discovered her boyfriend being unfaithful, but doesn't seem to have it in her to confront.

"What are you two watching?"

Jungkook enters the room, comes around the sofa, and sits almost right on top of me, prompting me to scoot over so that he can have the space between me and Jimin.

I slide over to give him room, "A drama. But you have to be quiet because Jimin is really into this."

I look over at my friend and find him sipping from his cup, his eyes peering over the rim, locked on the screen. All you see is the mass of blankets and then there's Jimin's face, his orange hair, and his tiny hands. He's so cute!

"What's happening?"

"Her boyfriend is cheating." Jimin says. "Now shh!"

"Why is she just standing there watching? Why doesn't she go and confront him?"

Jimin huffs and puts his mug on the table beside him, snatching the remote and pausing his show. He looks like an angry little red panda.

"I. Am. Trying. To. Watch A. Movie."

Jungkook nods on every word, obviously trying to keep his face straight. "Yes."

"Be... quiet." Jimin points the remote at him threateningly as if to say, I'll use it on you if I have to, you little bastard.And Jungkook holds up his hands in surrender.

Jimin resumes his show and Jungkook turns to look at me. He acts like he zips his lips shut and gives me wide eyes. I press my hand to my mouth to keep from laughing.

He glances back at Jimin and then "unzips" his lips and leans toward him. "Jimin-shii." he says.

Jimin ignores him, so Jungkook pokes a finger into his ribs. Once. Twice-He barely manages to dodge it when Jimin tries to shoo him away with the hand still holding the remote. He reaches a hand over and pokes the side of Jimin's neck, snatching his hand back when Jimin tries to bat it away. Jungkook is giggling now, and so am I, as he plays a game similar to Red Hands. Annoy-the-Hell-Out-of-Jimin-and-Avoid-Getting-Knocked-Out-by-the-Remote-in-His-Hands.

Jimin finally has enough when Jungkook touches his nose. He lurches off the couch. "HOBI!!" He yells, and storms out of the room.

"He's telling on you!" I laugh, but Jungkook has already jumped over the back of the sofa and taken off after him, trying to call Jimin back through his laughter.

"Hyung! Come on, Jimin! I was joking!"

Jungkook's POV-

I catch Jimin around the waist right at the bottom of the stairs. "Jimin-shii."

He huffs and smacks at my arms, pulling away. "Don't call me that. Go away, you brat! Why are you LAUGHING at me!?!"

He's so cute when he's angry like this. This is so different from the angry that he was at the studio. And I love it.

"I'm not." I lie, and try to calm myself, snapping my lips closed and pressing them together to control my smile.

"I'm telling Hobi to scold you." he pouts. "You are mean."

"It was a joke. You should have seen your face..." I start to chuckle again and then cut them short when I catch Jimin's withering glare.

"Okay, I'll stop, I swear. You can watch your show, okay?" I offer my hand.

Jimin looks at it. "No talking?"

I zip my lips, and hum no talking.

"No poking me or any annoying behavior."

I nod wordlessly. "Mm-hm."

"You promise?"

I hold out my little finger.

He wraps his around mine and I use it to pull him back to the den.

A/N: Okay, so.. another short chapter.

I wanted to do a chapter in Tae's POV so that you all know that he isn't distraught about Jimin's "dating" situation. He really just wanted Jimin to stop being hurt and wanted to take Jungkook's place in Jimin's heart because he knew that he could treat Jimin better. It's safe to say that Taetae is over Jimin, and happy that Jimin is happy. So no, he is not going to fight a losing battle against Jungkook.. I wouldn't torture my baby like that.

Anyways, vote, comment, and be safe always:))🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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