Chapter 16

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Jimin's POV-

I tell Hobi everything; from me falling in love with Jungkook a while ago, to planning a fake relationship with Yoongi. I only leave out the part about Yoongi hyung being in love with Taetae. That isn't my secret to tell.

"What does you and Yoongi getting together have to do with Jungkook?" Hobi says after a moment of silence.

"I honestly have no clue. Maybe this is Hyung's way of trying to get me to move on. To stop hurting myself."

"What do you mean? You think he's trying to get you to move on to him?"

"No. Not at all. Yoongi hyung keeps telling me to find my worth. Telling me that I'm cute, and deserve all of the love in the world. I think that he's trying to get me to realize that I deserve better than one-sided love and longing. I deserve happiness and not constant rejection. I think maybe he's trying to get my self confidence up enough that maybe I'll feel okay to start moving on actually. Or at least try to."

Hobi nods and lies back down. I get in bed with him, pulling up the blankets.

"How long have the two of you been in this fake relationship?" he asks, sounding thoughtful.

"Since the day he dyed his hair that minty color." I answer. "So about a month and a half?"

"Has it been working? Are you happy?"

I shrug. "I don't see why not. Yoongi hyung is a lot of fun. And he spoils me. Buys me stuff, and takes me places. He even lets me cuddle him. I feel... important. That's how I think anyone should feel in any kind of relationship. Fake or not, Yoongi knows how to treat the person he is seeing."

"Are you falling for Yoongi, Jimin?"

I burst out laughing. "HELL no!"

Hobi laughs too. "Well, damn. I guess I meant to ask if you have or are you moving on. You know. From Jungkook."

I sigh. "No. Not even a little bit. I can look at him without my chest hurting. But that's how it was before this little fake thing between myself and Yoongi.  I had to act normal, as if Jungkook and I are just as close friends as I am with the rest of you all. And it just got easier over time. Jungkook is very easy to get along with when you aren't constantly clinging to him. Maybe that is why he was so mean to me before."

"Well, you cling to me and I don't shove you, and make you cry, and be unnecessarily mean to you."

I wrap my arms around his middle. "I know. And that's why I love you, Hoseok hyung. I just had to accept that not all people like to be touched all the time."

"That's funny, because he doesn't seem to mind it when Taehyung touches him."

I feel a sharp pang of jealousy in my chest, but I ignore it. 

Hoseok continues. "And he's always touching you."


"You can't tell me you don't notice that, Jimin. Ever since the two of you made up, Jungkook's been sticking to you like a fricking magnet. His hands are almost always on you. Arm around your shoulders, hand on the small of your back, massaging your neck."

I stare at him. "I... ask  him to rub my shoulders."

"Yes, but did you have to ask him the first few times he did it?"

No. But I thought that he was trying to be the nicest person he could to me because he seemed pretty upset that I had been ignoring him. So of course you would rub the shoulders of someone who has just forgiven you for something, right?

"It's just something to think about. Thank you for telling me, Jimin. If you are happy with this, then you have my support. However, I still don't understand what getting with Yoongi would have to do with Jungkook. Do you still want to get with Jungkook?" Hoseok asks.

I sigh, rubbing my eyes. "There's no.. hope there, hyung."

Hobi smiles softly. "There's always hope when I'm around."

"Because you're J-Hope." I say, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah." he says. "Because I'm J-Hope."

~A/N: Hobi is literally the sweetest person ever. Our SuNsHiNe 🌞!! 

Anyways, vote, comment, tell me what you think! Borahae babies!!💜

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