Chapter 15

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(Jimin and Yoongi's ride to the hairdresser's)

Yoongi's POV-

"Jimin." I say, interrupting him midsentence, because I'd started to tune him out and wasn't necessarily aware that he'd been talking when I decided to bring this up.

"Yes, hyung?"

"Are you gay?"

Jimin chokes on nothing and when I glance over at him he's staring at me with wide eyes. "Come again?"

"Are you gay?" I ask again, raising my voice a little, in case he actually didn't hear me the first time. Although I doubt that's the case.

"Why?" he asks.

He is. "Because. Answer the question."

"Um. Yeah, I guess."

"And you are in love with Jungkook, right?"

Jimin looks at me. "Have you been reading my diary?"

Little smartass.

I roll my eyes. "I was going to try to help you, but fuck you too, you little bastard."

I go back to driving. Making a show of ignoring him. Part of me wanting him to apologize, and another  just being... well, me.

"I'm sorry..." he tells me quietly after a moment of silence. "Are you gay?"

"Hm. Yeah, you can say that. I'm more... Taehyung-sexual."

Jimin gasps. "What?"

"You are so damn dramatic, but you never would have guessed it, would you have? Unlike you, I'm good at hiding my feelings. You keep my secret. And I'll keep yours."

Yes. I do have this crush kind of thing on Taehyung. He just... gets to me. He finds a way to be cute and sexy at the same time. Then other times he has this sort of duality. And then, when he tries to look tough... I don't know if I want to kiss him or choke him...Maybe both...


"Shit, Jimin. What?!"

"I asked you how you were going to try to help me earlier."

Oh that. "I have a plan."

"What's that?"

"I noticed that for the last year or so, you've been doing exceptionally well at hiding your feelings for Jungkook. From choosing other members over him, to ignoring him completely."

"I got in trouble for that," Jimin mumbles, but I ignore him.

"I see that it bothers Jungkook, but I think he's confused as to why. Either that or in denial."

"Denial of what?"

My theory is that Jungkook loves Jimin back. But he just doesn't know or is refusing to acknowledge it. I'm thinking we can maybe drive Jungkook to know that, using the one emotion I know he already feels so often. Jealously.

"Feelings. For you."

Jimin immediately shakes his head. "He has no feelings for me, Hyung. You really shouldn't try to get my hopes up, because it's cruel. Even though there is no way that my hopes will get any higher than they already are."

Jimin must be blind or something, but I don't say anything. After all, even though I am good at reading people, I could be very wrong. I doubt I am, though.

I pull into the parking lot at the place where Jimin gets his hair done, put the car in park, and turn it off.

Jimin doesn't move. "What did you have in mind, though?"

"It doesn't matter." I undo my seatbelt and reach into the backseat for my jacket.

"Okay. Even though I doubt you are right, I want to know what your plan is. So that I won't regret saying no before I even hear it."

I look at him, acting as though I'm staring deeply into his eyes, when I'm honestly just counting to thirty as I switch my gaze from eye to eye. "Okay, this is what I had in mind."

I tell him what my plan is as he sits there, playing with a loose thread on his sweater sleeve, listening intently.

My plan: A fake relationship. Between Jimin and myself. A little bit of acting and a lot of patience and I'm sure Jungkook will be his.

"What do you think? Should we give it a shot?" I ask, and Jimin looks up to meet my gaze.

"Okay. Alright. We can try, but I get to have an I-Told-You-So party in your room that you HAVE to attend and have to buy the alcoholic beverages, if this doesn't work."

I'm sure it will, but I agree. I go to shake on it, but he makes me link my pinky in his tiny one and press my thumb to his in a pinky promise. This kid is annoyingly cute.

"What do you get out of this, Yoongi hyung?" He says.

"To pick your hairstyle." I grin at him and get out of the car.

A/N: I love you all, thank you for reading!!

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