Curry, Netflix and Chill?

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That one when Pete waits for some curry and gets more than he bargained for.



'Fuck, I'm starving,' I thought as I was sitting with Macau "watching" some anime on Netflix.

Vegas was supposed to return already from the most important mission of his life, aka buying me my favorite curry.

It was a Friday tradition - relaxing while watching some nonsense on TV and indulging ourselves with Kaeng Khua Prik. Well, that was what I did at least. Vegas just usually stared at me with disbelief, not understanding how can I eat food that spicy. Huh! Don't you know it already? This is the tolerance of people from the south you bastard, you can't deal with us! Stick to your mild flavors, you weakling!

I was sprawled on the couch, dying from boredom, Macau already asleep and snoring. If he wouldn't come home anytime soon, his face is going to become as red as the curry itself. From my foot!

After about half an hour, I heard the door open. Vegas entered the living room with two bags of food. "Finally, where is my beloved curry?" I asked while running to grab the bags from his hands. I felt excitement running through me. I'm not going to lie, I was dying to see what he brought.

"Uh, uh," he said while putting the bags behind his back, hiding my source of happiness away from me. "Where is my welcome home kiss?" He asked blowing on his right cheek and moving it closer to me.

"Vegas!" I shouted, "give me my food, I'm hungry!" And of course, it was all it took for Macau to wake up from his slumber.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, can you kindly fuck off and go to your room? You left drool on the couch," Vegas said grinning. "Did you dream about doctor P'Top again?"

It seemed like it was on Vegas' agenda to mess with Macau today. Eh, brothers, I thought while sighing.

"Hia! what an asshole," Macau said, annoyed. He got up from the couch, showed Vegas the third finger and left.

"So, where were we? Where is that kiss you owe me?"

Bastard! Stop playing with me!

I have thought of a brilliant idea all of the sudden.

"If you won't give me my food this instance, there won't be any sex this week. And neither next week."

"Ew, darling, don't be like this, I was just kidding," he said while hastily putting the bags on the marble coffee table.

We moved to the kitchen, quietly eating what Vegas had bought. I was eating curry with rice and beef while Vegas ate some sweet pork.

"Eat up, you'll need your energy tonight," he suddenly said.

Energy? Tonight? What was he talking about? Oh that bastard and his crazy talk, who cares, I thought and continued eating the curry, enjoying myself.

Only later did I realize that I should have paid more attention to his words.


That very same night

"Uhm, Vegas? What is that?" I asked when I saw the bed filled with different types of sex products.

"I noticed you staring at them before and I had this thought - why won't we try something new? It would be fun."

I could feel my face heating up from his words. I felt quite embarrassed but didn't want to let it show. I didn't want to be one of those "Blushing Virgins" that Porsche gossiped to me about before.

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