The Runaway Bride

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-Side Story-

-Part 2 of Wedding? What Wedding-

**No smut**


"Welcome to Korea."

6.5 hours prior to that

"Oh thank god, he's out. Goody! Chop-chop! Lift him by the legs and arms, we have a flight to catch," the overly happy Tankhun said.

"That's not really practical," said Arm and then threw Pete over his shoulder.

"That works too," said the shocked Pol, still not believing that he had to take part in such an action.

But Tankhun was Tankhun and being unhinged was his specialty.

"Wait, what flight?" Arm stopped dead in his tracks and asked.

"To Korea, duh," answered Tankhun.

"What do you mean Korea?! I thought we were taking him to a club in Thailand."

"Are you crazy? And have that crazy demon husband of his follow our every move? No way. We're flying to Korea. I spoke to a good friend of mine and he agreed to lend me his club for the night, what a doll," Thankhun said as he blew a kiss in the air. "We'll have it only for ourselves, how exciting. I'm thinking confetti, lots of confetti, alcohol, and strippers — Korean strippers are the best!"

What the actual fuck, this would turn out to be a disaster, thought Arm, but he couldn't really say no to his boss. He was sure that Vegas would kill them, he was there in Russia so he knew that the minor family leader tended to lose his marbles when it came to Pete. He didn't want to be on the other side when it came to Vegas and he could only hope that the latter would forgive them for this cruel joke.

And this is how the two poor bodyguards found themselves carrying their best friend — exactly like they would carry a dead body.


The three of them managed to recruit a pilot as they took one of the Theerapanyakun family jets.


"Hey Pol! He's moving," said Tankhun as he glanced at Pete who was moving in his chair. "We can't let him wake up before we reach our destination. Knock him out!"

"What —"

But before Pete could even understand what was happening, he felt something hitting him in the back of his head, and just like that, again, he lost consciousness.






"Again," Khun said as he drank his pink alcoholic drink.

"I'm afraid he might have brain damage in the future if we keep hitting him, besides, I think he's just moving in his sleep," said Arm, concerned for his friend. Pol nodded in agreement.

"His brain is already damaged. He's marrying my cousin for god's sake. Maybe this will knock some sense into him."

"I don't think it works this way —"

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