Common Ground

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Vegas feels jealous that Venice gets all the attention - Pete proves him wrong.



A normal, quiet day at home was a day when I didn't get drool all over me or food thrown at my face. Yeah, that was hardly the case.

Pete was busy preparing some oatmeal for Venice while I was supposed to keep him company, so the little rascal wouldn't try to climb out of the feeding booster.

"Here you go," said Pete and got closer to me, "you should try to feed him yourself, stop being such a scaredy-cat all the time; he's almost 1-year old already, you should be used to that."

I took the oatmeal bowl from Pete, alongside a spoon, and crouched in front of Venice. "Open for a big AAA," I tried saying, so he could eat and I could rest in peace. But Venice kept his mouth shut, clearly showing that he doesn't want me to feed him. I tried bringing the spoon to his mouth, but it didn't help. What a stubborn child. I wonder who he learned it from.

"C'mon honey, open your mouth for daddy," Pete said, trying to help.

The moment Pete spoke, it was as if Venice could understand him. With an indescribable look, he immediately opened his mouth. I spoon-fed him for a bit until Pete left the kitchen.

And as you can guess, the second it happened, Venice spitted the left-overs in his mouth - into my face.


I swear, every time Pete is not around or averts his gaze - this demon does something to annoy me.

Someone, please, save me from this misery. My life felt like a constant rewatch of "Son of the Mask." What did I do to deserve it?

Stop, I don't expect a valid answer for that.


Our room looked like a mess. The once red and dark room turned into a colorful Alice in Wonderland-themed room. Can you believe it?

There were toys scattered all around because Pete was so busy at times, that he didn't have time to put everything back. There was even that one time when I came back to the room after taking a shower and almost cracked my head open. All because of some stupid dinosaur plushy doll lying on the ground. Absurd! Why couldn't he have a room for himself with a 24/7 hired caretaker!? But no, Pete wanted us to do everything by ourselves, as his grandparents did.

And although I highly appreciate them for raising an amazing person like Pete, the circumstances are not the same. We're rich for bloody sake.

Ever since we decided to adopt Venice, Pete wouldn't leave his side. If I wanted to spend some time with Pete, I had to endure being around Venice as well, and it always ended up with me doing something annoying, like changing his diaper or playing stupid children's games.

But at the end of the day, every second I spent with Pete made me happy, so it wasn't too much of a bother. Seeing my fiancee spend so much time taking care of our child, even if that said child and I weren't on the best terms, always filled my heart with warmth.

Even when I was sulking next to Pete, begging for attention, I couldn't help but admire his efforts in raising Venice. He was taking care of him every day, all day, and still found time to help me with the business.

My Pete is the best dad anyone can ask for; strong-willed and handsome; fierce, and an animal in bed. What more can a man ask for?


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