Of Guns and Thongs

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-Side Story-

-Part 1 of Mafia Wars-

**This chapter contains violence and strong language**

A glance into the darker side of the minor family mafia head - not every day is filled with roses and butterflies.

Well, that statement was true until he saw his fiancee wearing thongs.


After Korn's downfall, there was somewhat of peace between the major and the minor families. The three Theerapanyakun brothers still haven't recovered from the death of their father, caused by their own hands. The lies, the backstabbing truth, the blood that was spilled on that day; they grieved it all.

But they were managing, in their own way, happy to escape that twisted and awful family fate; that twisted dark life they were promised to lead. Porsche and Porschay were a great comfort to the family. They helped them heal. The shared trauma made the family members grow closer to each other, to depend on one another.

Porsche knew that the minor family ring wasn't supposed to be his, hence he agreed to return it to its rightful owner.

And as we all know, after Vegas got it back, he gave it to Pete as an engagement ring.

The little sunshine was busy taking care of his adopted son while Vegas was handling the mafia business. But it doesn't mean that the second family pillar didn't join the missions once in a while.   

For the sake of future peace and possible comradeship, the two households agreed to share the workload and business between them. Now, the 'dirty' and the 'clean' tasks were divided.

Pete and Porsche were keeping their partners on a tight leash; so a fight wouldn't break between the so-alike-but-denying-it cousins.

And although Vegas had a family of his own now to take care of, he was still an ambitious man. He wanted to prove to his family that he was capable of taking care of them, eliminating any possible threat coming their way. And oh boy, as a result of them being a mafia family - they had plenty.

Stupid Russian and Japanese rival families spies tried to infiltrate their homes. Some were sent to the main family house and some to the second, disguised as newly recruited bodyguards. But Kinn and Vegas weren't dumb. They would never let anyone harm their precious family; they always slept with one eye open.

They were supposed to visit one of their casinos to meet some business partners one Friday night. Kinn arrived first, wearing one of his famous burgundy suits, followed by Porsche who wore a blue navy suit.

The major mafia head and his "wife" sat comfortably on one of the red leather sofas, sipping some red wine, and waiting for their guests. Their half Japanese half Thai bodyguard and three more were looking out for them.

"Mr. Matsuda, welcome," said Kinn and got up to shake the approaching middle-aged man's hand. "How was the flight?"

"It was all right Mr. Theerapanyakun. Thank you for your generosity and the provided accommodation, but I'm afraid we have serious matters to discuss and not enough time," said the Japanese man.

"Please, have a sit."

"We contacted the brothers in Sochi for the drug transfer and still haven't got an answer," he said, crossing his legs on the couch. "I sent some men to visit the casinos there today, we're still waiting for their reply on the matter."

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