chapter 23

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Team RWBY, along with JNPR and i are seen fighting Grimm on top of the Argus Limited. Oscar, who is with them, warns everyone about a tunnel, leading the Huntsmen to go below the train cars.

The White Fang Throne Room in Mistral is then shown, where Adam slaughters everyone inside, claiming the throne to be rightfully his. Still, Adam is clearly uneasy at an utterance by one of the soldiers, that "the Belladonna girl" still has control over him. Because of this, he destroyed the throne and yelled in anger.

At the Mistral Central Station, Qrow Branwen walks along the crowds to send a letter to Ironwood, telling him that he knows more about the Battle of Haven that occurred two weeks prior than the official story released. 

While Ruby Rose and her friends wait to board the Argus Limited, they are greeted by two Huntsmen, Dee and Dudley, who are also assisting in protecting the train. Blake says her goodbyes to Ilia, who is taking part in the new Faunus movement led by Ghira, and the two hug. 

Sun and Neptune arrive to see Blake off, with Sun telling her that he and the rest of Team SSSN are taking a trip to Vacuo to better himself as a team leader. Blake thanks Sun and kisses him on the cheek.

While on the train, a group of Manticores, led by a Sphinx, attack the train. Dee is apparently killed by the Grimm while Dudley activates the train's defense systems. Team RWBY, Qrow, JNRP, me and Oscar join the battle, leading to the scenes that appeared in the opening.

Oscar adamantly tells Dudley to shut off the turrets as it only draws the Grimm towards the passengers. A tunnel approaches, breaking Dudley's arm in the process. After Qrow argues with Dudley about the turrets, Ruby and Jaune convince Dudley to shut them off; Jaune uses his Semblance to mend Dudley's broken arm. 

Ozpin shares with the group that Grimm are attracted to the Relics, which is why they attacked in the first place. Ruby formulates a plan: Team RWBY, Qrow, me and Oscar will stay behind to fend off the Grimm with the Relic on them with the back half of the train while JNRP evacuates the passengers to the front half.

Jaune uses his Semblance to amplify Ren's Semblance, allowing them to hide the train full of passengers and safely get away from the Grimm. As Blake severs the back of the train from the rest, she spots Adam on the other side as it pulls away: she draws her weapon but he abruptly disappears, causing her to pass it off as a hallucination.

Team RWBY, Oscar, me and Qrow manage to defeat the rest of the Grimm, but the back half of the train crashes when the Sphinx spits a fireball as it is killed. No one is harmed, but the group is unexpectedly joined by an elderly woman: Maria Calavera.

Cinder awakens underwater, surrounded by chunks of ice, following her duel with Raven. After pulling herself out of what is revealed to be an underground pond beneath Haven Academy's vault, she finds herself struggling to use her Maiden powers.

Pounding her fist in frustration, she inadvertently creates a crack in the mountain wall, and she punches her way through using her Grimm arm. Outside, she tries to walk, only to fall in exhaustion. 

A woman approaches her out of concern, until she sees Cinder's Grimm arm and recoils in horror. Cinder then looks up, and her eye lights up with flames.


Some time before going to the Mistral Central Station, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, me, y/n and Oscar are getting ready for their trip to Atlas. I explain that the plan is to take a train to Argus, where they will find an Atlas Military base that he doubts has been abandoned; they can then convince someone to take them to Atlas.

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