chapter 29

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En route to the party, Ren questions what can be done about Salem; Nora suggests that Jinn's statement Ozma could not kill her only applied to him. Ren insists they should be training, which leads to an argument with Nora. 

At the party, Penny greets the four of them, and when she asks where the others are, I insinuate a romantic relationship between ren and Nora, both of them start blushing their own relationship as well. Ruby retreats to Penny, and when Marrow Amin calls Penny, Ruby and I follow to escape the argument. 

Penny and Marrow are acting as security from Ironwood, causing friction with the Happy Huntresses. Robyn gives a short victory speech despite her majority having shrunken considerably. Nora kisses Ren, and he reciprocates.

At the party is Tyrian, speaking with Arthur on communicator. Ruby and I notice his tail shortly before the polls close; as they close, the power goes out, and Tyrian kills several of the attendees and wounds Fiona as Watts manipulates a computer assembly. 

Penny tackles Robyn to protect her from Tyrian, and Tyrian escapes as the power comes back on. As Jacques' victory over Robyn is announced, Penny, who had been preparing Floating Array to attack Tyrian, is blamed by the attendees, who rush the stage until Marrow uses his Semblance to stop them. 

Ren and Nora escort Penny out the back; Ruby and Marrow try to help Fiona, but Robyn shoves Ruby aside, and Joanna fires on Marrow. Marrow stays to profess his innocence, but Ruby pulls him out the back.

Watts congratulates Tyrian and uploads a file. Ruby, Nora, Ren, Marrow, me and Penny regroup in an alley. Penny, dumbstruck, returns to Atlas, and a flock of Manticores descend upon Mantle.


Penny, cut off from others, is comforted by a robot arm. In Mantle, Ironwood has declared a curfew and a ban on public gatherings. A newscaster, showing faithful footage of Robyn's premature victory party, reports calls for Penny to be deactivated, despite Ironwood's insistence that the footage was doctored. 

Robyn and the Happy Huntresses steal a truck. Ironwood tells Winter, Clover, Qrow, me, Nora, y/n and Ren that Robyn's theft of material has stalled the launch of Amity. When I wonder how they can finish the tower, Winter gives an option - declaring martial law.

Nora objects, proclaiming that Winter's plan will draw Grimm, while i states that it plays right into the hands of Salem and the plan she sent Tyrian Callows to effect. Clover shows a graphic of Tyrian, him and Winter telling her he was a serial killer who escaped a prison transport due to a Grimm attack. 

I confirm his identity. Nora becomes exasperated about the secrecy, but Ironwood shuts her down, bidding Robyn's arrest as well as Tyrian's. Ren is the most firm in his assent.


Blake and I are assigned to one of several trucks sent out as bait for Robyn. En route, I suggest it would have been better to explain to Ironwood all they knew about Salem, but based on his reaction to what he does know, Blake disagrees. 

Discussing the situation, Blake and y/n alludes to the death of Adam, and worries about the potential confrontation with Robyn. I suggest we not confront her.


I talk with Pietro about Penny's recovery from the trauma of the party. Pietro states that the footage of Penny was taken from previous incidents of her around Mantle. Pietro says that whoever was responsible for the fall of Beacon would be able to break into Mantle, but that Atlas has been upgraded. 

Weiss asks who might be able to break into Atlas, to which Pietro replies that it would include systems Weiss points out would be controlled by the Schnee Dust Company. Pietro expresses his concern about Penny; i states that if she's dismantled, she can be reactivated. Pietro reveals that Penny's Aura is in fact part of his.

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