chapter 31

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Jaune, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha and Oscar fight Neopolitan, who continues trying to steal the Relic of Knowledge from them. Their fight is interrupted when Atlas Soldiers begin chasing us, who are still on a wanted list. 

i am exhausted from my previous encounter with Neo from before Team JNPR found me, and due to my exhaustion, I am unable to keep up with JNPR and become lost. Neo, having disguised herself as Nora, hides me from the Atlas soldiers and steals the Lamp. 

She then flees, making it past me and Jaune with her agility and then Ren by playing with his feelings for Nora. Due to more interference from Atlas soldiers, she manages to escape.

While we hide from the soldiers, Ren frustratedly talks about how they have lost the Relic, leading me to start quietly thinking. Before an argument can break out, Pietro and Maria contact them through their formerly blocked communications. 

Maria informs the group that they have an escape vehicle and will be coming to get them. While this happens, i sneaks away and soon after tells them that i must do something alone. Team JNPR is unable to pursue me due to being found by the Atlas soldiers.

In the Atlas Medical Facility, Penny and Winter fight against Cinder, who violently takes the fight outside of the building in a fit of anger. There, she breaks Winter's Aura and returns to the facility while Penny saves Winter from falling to her death.

Once inside, Cinder opens the Aura transfer pod containing Fria and attempts to steal her Winter Maiden powers, but Fria forces her to retreat by using her Maiden powers to unleash a massive freezing whirlwind. Without her Aura, Winter is unable to safely enter the room, so Penny enters her stead and calms Fria.

I take the elevator down to the Atlas Vault and try to talk Ironwood out of his plan to abandon Mantle. He is unable to get through to Ironwood, who insists that everyone else is unable to see the big picture. Ironwood then shoots me off the platform, which breaks my Aura and causes me to fall into a deep pit.


With Fria's whirlwind gone, I was able to enter the room and cut off Cinder's Shadow Hand to stop her from stealing Fria's powers. Although the arm grows back, the agony is enough to cause Cinder to direct her rage toward me. 

While I fight a losing battle against Cinder, Penny takes Fria's hand and inherits the Winter Maiden powers. Soon after, Ruby and Weiss arrive, and Ruby uses her Silver Eye powers, causing Cinder to flee by blasting her way through the roof.

ow again said y/n, sorry again said ruby. Out in the tundra, Qrow and Robyn are arrested by the Atlas military and are then transported to the City of Atlas.

Maria, Pietro, Blake and Yang pick up Team JNPR in the Manta serving as their escape vehicle, and Yang questions where Oscar and the Relic are. i allowed Weiss and her friends to escape to give them a head start, and called the Atlas military for medical assistance and reinforcements.

Maria's Manta arrives at the medical facility to retrieve Ruby and Weiss, and Penny decides to go with them. I send Ironwood a message, informing him that the Winter Maiden powers are gone, much to his anger.

Neo meets up with Cinder, gives her the Relic of Knowledge and seems annoyed at Cinder for taking it without a single word. Having unlocked his magic to blast his way through the bottom of the City of Atlas and safely land in the crater beneath the floating city, Oscar tells Ozpin, who has now resurfaced, to help him save the Kingdom of Atlas.

Salem arrives just outside the City of Atlas, standing atop a Monstra and accompanied by a massive army of flying Grimm.


There is a brief flashback of young myself scrubbing a wooden floor. In the present day, me and Neopolitan take an airship to Monstra to meet up with Salem inside the whale. It gives the Relic of Knowledge to Salem and takes full credit for retrieving it, much to Neo's annoyance. 

After some teasing from Tyrian, I introduced Neo to Salem, referring to her as an asset, which once again upsets Neo. Soon after, Emerald, Mercury and Hazel arrive. Emerald is delighted to see me, but i harshly shut her down. 

When I declare that i will take the Winter Maiden power from Penny, Salem reminds me that she is not to act without Salem's orders.

In the slums of the crater beneath Atlas, Oscar is hanging out with and taken care of by Faunus. He is found by Ruby, Weiss and Maria, who fly him to a restaurant in Mantle that the Happy Huntresses are using as a base. 

Inside, Penny and Pietro are watching a news broadcast that lists Team RWBY, y/n, Team JNPR, Oscar, Maria, Penny and Pietro as fugitives.

Joanna requests that the group help evacuate the rest of Mantle into the crater before nightfall so that they can better protect everyone and keep people from freezing to death. This leads to Yang and Ruby having a disagreement on how to proceed. 

Ruby wants to finish the Amity Communications Tower and warn the rest of the world about Salem before she moves on from Atlas, but Yang believes Ruby's plan is impossible due to the tower needing permission from one of Ironwood's two terminals to launch. 

As such, Yang would rather focus on evacuating and protecting the citizens of Mantle. Through Jaune's suggestion and Oscar's reassurance, the group splits into two teams. Jaune, Pyrrha, Oscar and Ren side with Yang, while y/n, Nora, Penny, Weiss and Blake side with Ruby.

While Ruby's group gets ready to infiltrate the military base at the bottom of the City of Atlas, Ironwood calls Penny via Scroll and attempts to convince her to return to him. Angered by their refusal to cooperate, he tells her and Ruby that everything will be on their hands if Salem manages to attack Atlas.

may i said y/n as ruby passes over the Scroll, Ironwood you are a fool and i will end you said y/n as he ends the call. Inside an Atlas medical facility, Ironwood and the Ace Operatives are coping with the death of Clover, and Winter is being attended to by medical technicians. 

Ironwood is informed that Qrow and Robyn are being processed as prisoners. He then privately talks to Winter about the situation at hand, stating that the city's Hard-Light defense is keeping them safe from Salem's Grimm horde, although only temporarily. 

He is interrupted by the arrival of Councilwoman Camilla and Councilman Sleet who are furious with him. Just as Sleet accuses him of being afraid, Ironwood shoots him without a word, much to the shock of Camilla, Winter and most of the Ace Ops.

Inside Monstra, Salem commands The Hound to bring "him" to her so that she can find out how to use the Relic of Knowledge. Qrow, Robyn, Jacques, and Arthur are imprisoned in adjacent cells. As Robyn and Jacques argue, some soldiers arrive and take away Watts, and Qrow declares his intention to kill the one that put them there.


In Mantle, Joanna takes the microphone of a reporter to get out the message that all should evacuate to the crater. me , Jaune, Pyrrha and Ren take some hoverbikes from Pietro workshop, with Oscar Pine riding along with me. Ren and Jaune combine their Semblances together to protect the evacuees from Grimm attacks. 

An older woman objects to being taken to the Faunus slums, and i rebukes her. In Oscar's head, Ozpin tells him that they remain on the path to becoming one.

Penny, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Nora, y/n and May go to a building owned by Snow Shoe Shipping, a Schnee Dust Company subsidiary, to use their pneumatic tubes to get to Atlas. 

Penny expresses to Ruby her discomfort with going against Ironwood's faction and with her new role as the Winter Maiden. Weiss finds the correct tube and explains how to use it, only for Nora to launch her prematurely.

Yang, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, and Oscar regroup with Fiona and Joanna, who describe the plan to convert mineshafts into shelters and loot refineries for fuel. Fiona gets a report of a Grimm attack in the East, and Yang, Jaune, Ren, and Oscar go to investigate. 

The Hound grabs Oscar and uses him as a shield, and when Ren insists he give him back says the word "no" out loud. The Hound sprouts wings and flies away with Oscar. Despite Fiona telling them of another Grimm attack to the West, the four chase after the Hound instead.

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