chapter 32

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me, Weiss, Blake, Penny, Nora, y/n and May arrive in the Atlesian Command Center. we use May's Semblance of invisibility and Penny's directions to reach Central Command, where Penny uses Pietro credentials to enter. 

May objects that she cannot get them through, but Penny explains that my Semblance should be able to carry all of them. 

Ironwood has ordered Arthur to hack into Penny. Watts notices the apparent login by Pietro. The compound goes into lockdown, blocking the infiltrators' exits, but May points out a hangar. 

May trips an employee carrying coffee, giving Ruby the chance to rush the others past as Penny suggested. Penny allows herself to be controlled remotely by Pietro, who enters the necessary commands, while Blake worries about the split between me and yang. 

Nora, trying to reassure Blake, lets slip her misgivings about Ren. Blake responds that others can become a part of oneself, and Nora wonders who she is without Ren, to which Weiss responds she should do only what she can do. 

Pietro says that Penny will mimic the Atlas terminal to launch Amity Communications Tower, and that she should remain on it despite her misgivings about abandoning Mantle.

The six of them are confronted by the Ace Operatives, who want Penny to surrender the Relic of Creation to Ironwood for safekeeping. Penny seals the us in the control room to fight the Ace-Ops herself, and they briefly subdue her. 

Inside, Nora uses her Semblance to absorb power from the electrified door and break it, knocking her out and scarring her. Ironwood starts to order reinforcements, but Watts stops him. Harriet cuts one sword loose from Floating Array, and the Ace-Ops retreat with it. 

The six of them go to the hangar, where May has already stolen a ship. May rams the ship through the sealed hangar door; Penny says goodbye to us and flies away.

The stolen sword is given to Watts, who suggests he can use it to "make them join you".


Inside the Atlas prison, Robyn attempts to lighten the mood with a story and ends up having a solemn talk with Qrow about Clover death and how their Semblances have affected their ability to have relationships with people. 

They are interrupted by two of the Ace Operatives bringing Arthur back to his cell. Robyn angers Harriet, who firmly believes Qrow killed Clover, and tempts her to open her cell, but Marrow stops Harriet.

me, Jaune, Pyrrha and Ren chase The Hound into a chasm in the mountains. we attempt to slow The Hound by having Ren abandon his hoverbike and hang onto The Hound with one of StormFlower's cables, but The Hound calls for backup. 

Interference from the horde of Grimm leads to Jaune's bike being ruined, my bike sustaining damage, and Ren and Pyrrha having to rescue me and Jaune from falling off a cliff. As a result, The Hound escapes with Oscar , flying away to Monstra.

Weiss takes Ruby, Blake, Nora, y/n and May Marigold to the Schnee Manor to hide. Displeased, Whitley complains about the family's reputation, the loss of the house staff and his mother locking herself in her room. 

Ruby convinces him to allow them to stay, and Weiss, y/n and May take Nora to another room. Ruby is worried about Yang and admits to Blake that she has tried and failed to call her.

me, Jaune, pyrrha and Ren are stranded in the tundra, unable to make contact with anyone on our Scrolls. With the sun beginning to set, the four take my damaged bike and trek toward an outpost Ren had seen while he was in the air, hoping to take shelter from the cold before they run out of Aura. 

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