chapter 26

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Team RWBY, me, Qrow, Oscar and Maria are denied entry into the Atlesian Military base in Argus. The guards allow them to speak to their commanding officer, Caroline, after inspecting Weiss Schnee. 

Cordovin, who has a bitter history with Maria, will only allow Weiss to enter, leaving the group stuck in Argus. Qrow goes off to drink his frustration away. well there go Qrow i said.

Back at the Arc family home, Team RWBY tells Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren and Nora what they learned from the Relic of Knowledge, including that Salem cannot be killed. Jaune, thinking that Ozpin is posing as Oscar, takes his frustrations out on the young farm boy. Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren and Nora decide it is best to have some time to themselves.

Afterwards, Ruby attempts to call Qrow on her Scroll, only to receive no answer back. She then laments to Maria that she is letting everyone down. To cheer her up, Maria agrees to talk to Ruby about her Silver Eyes. 

Maria reveals that Silver-Eyed Warriors are powered by strong desires to preserve life, which she deduced from the vision shown by Jinn that they originated with the God of Light. They can only be activated in the presence of Grimm, hence any actual training for Ruby will have to be done in combat.

really now i said as i walk to them, that right it only be activated in the presence of Grimm said Maria. so that's right but i have a Question i said as Maria nod to me, if grimm turns to stone, why i have silver fire on me when ruby uses Silver-Eyed i said.

that is a good question said Maria, then we heard Ruby's teammates return, telling us, Jaune, Pyrrha Ren and Nora that Oscar has gone missing.


I question Mercury on why he joined Cinder Fall in the first place, with Mercury answering that his upbringing as an assassin made him join. Mercury then upsets me saying that Cinder never cared for either one of them, and he also mentions how his own father stole his Semblance.

Tyrian, now with a prosthetic scorpion tail, then arrives, telling the two of them that he and Arthur Watts are heading to Atlas under Salem's command.

Back in Argus, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, Ren and Saphron search for Oscar. Saphron leaves to go pick up Adrian from daycare while Ren and Nora go to a nearby cafe to get something, leaving Jaune and Pyrrha alone. 

Jaune and Pyrrha then wanders into a nearby park, where they finds a woman bearing similar physical attributes to Pyrrha, and they turn After the woman mysteriously disappears, Ren and Nora join Jaune and Pyrrha to continued the search.

Team RWBY, y/n and Maria find a passed out Qrow, and the rest of the group returns. They are surprised to find that Oscar is back at the house, wearing a new attire and preparing a casserole for everyone. 

Jaune apologizes to Oscar for his earlier actions, and Oscar promises to do what he can to help with the time he has left as himself. While everyone celebrates, Qrow laments that they still are not getting any closer to entering Atlas. 

Jaune, however, voices an idea to steal an Atlas airship to sneak into the Kingdom. Qrow immediately shoots the idea down, but Ruby wants to hear Jaune out, while also telling Qrow that they do not need his approval about their actions anymore.


At the Atlesian Military base in Argus, I board an Atlas airship under the ruse that I want to return to my family. i secretly hid Maria in my luggage so she can pilot the ship, thus putting Jaune proposed plan into action.

Meanwhile, Blake is assigned the task of disabling the radar at Argus' relay tower. Once i is out of range, Ruby gives the okay for Blake to disable the radar. However, she does not respond, prompting Yang and y/n to go check on her.

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