Act One, Scene One

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AN: I gave Draco a job at the ministry and Goyle common sense for plot convenience and character growth respectively.

Anyways, enjoy a group of grown-arse adults being chaotic.

Setting: Ministry of Magic

Trigger Warnings: N/A

Gregory Goyle sits on a bench in a hallway. Draco Malfoy hastily enters and sits next to him, clearly frustrated.

Gregory: Something the matter, Draco?

Draco (frustrated): UGH! I'm growing sick and tired of Potter!

Gregory: Which one? Harry or Ginny?

Draco: Harry! He's accusing me of breaking the coffee machine in the staff room again.

Gregory: He knows he can just repair it, right?

Draco: Yes! But he's been so cold toward me ever since the incident back in October, which had NOTHING to do with me, by the way-

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley enter, having heard the entire conversation. Ron looks slightly angry and Harry seems tired of Draco's crap.

Harry (tired): Draco, quit talking rubbish or I'll come for your kneecaps.

Draco: Well, it's not my fault you keep blaming me for things I didn't do!

Ron: You were the last one in there!

Gregory (with sass): See, Ronald, there's this spell called Reparo... I think it may solve all your problems.

Hermione Granger enters as Gregory finishes his line.

Hermione (is also tired): Would you lot quit fighting over the coffee machine? Just repair it and go about your day. It is NOT that difficult!

Gregory (in enthusiastic agreement): THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SAYING! (to Ron) Listen to your wife, Weasley!

Draco: Okay, listen, I'm sorry about the coffee machine, alright? It's just that-

Harry (somewhat mockingly): You're only a month into your new job at the ministry, and you hardly know how muggle tech works; We get it!

Draco: Jokes on you; I was only going to make the second excuse! Oh, and for the record, the new job isn't all that's bugging me; My father is still getting on my case about Scorpius being friends with Albus and being head over heels for ROSE, so how am I meant to cope with that-?

Harry: Albus told me Scorpius got over Rose back in December.

Draco: Is that so? (Pause) Well, you could have made me aware of that! Father would've been off my case long ago!

Hermione: Scorpius will find someone eventually I hope.

Harry (jokingly): Yeah! As long as that someone isn't Lily. THAT would be bad!

Ron: Agreed! Imagine if that was ACTUALLY the case!

Draco: Oh, I would have Scorpius transferred to Durmstrang if it was! I can't deal with another one of Father's passive-aggressive letters.

Harry: Not to worry, I'd transfer Lily to Ilvermorny first!

Hermione: I don't think Ginny would be too happy about that, Harry.

Harry: You know what, your right. Besides, look what happened to Romeo and Juliet-

Ron/Draco/Gregory: What?

Harry: What? You've never heard of Romeo and Juliet before?

Ron: Isn't that the story where a guy and a girl from rivalling families fall in love?

Hermione: Yeah. They both kill themselves in the end.

Gregory: Oh, that one! (suddenly scared) Yeah, that would be bad if they ended up like that.

Hermione: Anyways, we have a big meeting in five minutes. We better get going.

Draco: See you at the meeting, Harry!

Harry: Later, Draco!

As the two rivalling sides part ways, Draco turns to Gregory.

Draco: "Harry" doesn't have the same ring to it as "Potter" did, does it?

Gregory: No, not really.

Both parties shrug and exit the hallway.


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