Act Six, Scene Three

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AN: Have no fear! Ginny's here!

Also, keep the name "Alana Pritchard" in mind. She becomes important in the threequel.

Setting: Department of Mysteries, Row 97

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death

James, his lit wand in hand, leads Louis, Scorpius and Lily to Row 97. They turn and head down the aisle. Everyone scans through the names on each prophecy, hoping to find the one Simon mentioned.

Louis (reading each name): Let's see... "Owen Philips", "Gina Patton", "Alana Pritchard"... I don't recognize any of these names.

Lily: I think Alana Pritchard's a year above me, but other than that, none of those names sound familiar.

After doing some scanning, James finds a prophecy with the label "Potter, Malfoy"

James: Ayo, there's a bare buki-looking one over here labelled "Potter, Malfoy".

Lily: Wave your hand over it and see what it says.

James waves his hand over the prophecy as everyone walks over to him to inspect it. Que the crystal ball from the prologue

C. Ball (ominously): On Sunday, May the first of the year 2022, a pair of star-crossed lovers birthed to rivalling fathers shall become the Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet of their generation. One shall be the son of one of the Dark Lord's former servants. The other shall be the daughter of The Boy Who Lived.

Scorpius: This has to be it.

C. Ball (ominously): If their feuding fathers continue their rage once the sun sets exactly one week later, all families tied with the feud shall be put to death by the Dark Lord's heiress and her servants, plunging the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds into darkness. If they shall make peace, however, no threat with any correlation to the Dark Lord shall bring death upon any family involved in bringing peace to the world.

Everyone is speechless and afraid. As the four stand around the crystal ball in shock, Ginny, unaware of any plan or prophecy, enters without detection. She sees Lily, James, and Louis and immediately knows something is up. She watches from a distance as James speaks up.

James: Rahh, I know we're not about to get a third Wizarding War, bruv.

Lily: We won't. According to Simon, we'll all be dead before it even starts.

A beat.

Louis: Well, what're we waiting for, fam? Let's get this to Uncle Harry and Mr. Malfoy so we can end this.

Ginny finally decides to speak up.

Ginny: Sneaking around, are we?

Everyone turns to face Ginny, startled.

Lily (shocked): Mum?

James (confused): I thought you'd be out doing reporter stuff.

Ginny: (laughs a little) "Reporter stuff"- No, James, I decided to stay in-office today, just in case your father had to respond to some sort of threat and leave Albus behind... What're you lot doing in here?

Lily: Well, you see-

Louis (quickly): If Uncle Harry and Uncle Ron don't bury the hatchet with Mr. Malfoy, we'll all get murked by assassins and Voldy's daughter will take over the Wizarding World, plunging it into eternal darkness.

A beat. Ginny processes this information.

Ginny (disappointed): Ah, I should've known something life-threatening was gonna happen this year.

Ginny motions for the four to follow her out.

Ginny: C'mon. I'll bring you guys over to Harry. (to James) You may want to bring that prophecy with you.

Scorpius: Should I grab my Dad?

Ginny: Oh, yes! That would be ideal.

The four follow Ginny out, the prophecy still in James' hands.


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