Act Six, Prologue

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Trigger Warnings: Mention of death

Trelawney enters, a crystal ball in hand. She places it on a nearby table.

Trelawney: I have nothing else to say. Here, (waves hand over crystal ball) have a talking crystal ball. Let me know when the Hogwarts Express is leaving. I have classes to teach.

The crystal ball speaks as Trelawney exits.

C. Ball (ominously): On Sunday, May the first of the year 2022, a pair of star-crossed lovers birthed to rivalling fathers shall become the Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet of their generation. One shall be the son of one of the Dark Lord's former servants. The other shall be the daughter of The Boy Who Lived. If their feuding fathers continue their rage once the sun sets exactly one week later, all families tied with the feud shall be put to death by the Dark Lord's heiress and her servants, plunging the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds into darkness. If they shall make peace, however, no threat with any correlation to the Dark Lord shall bring death upon any family involved in bringing peace to the world.

We cut to black.


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