Act Two, Scene Two

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AN: Fun fact, there was supposed to be a scene before this where Lily dramatically recites her own version of Juliet's balcony monologue from Romeo and Juliet, but I cut it during the cringe-purging process because, let's be honest with ourselves, who does that IRL?

Anyways, I hope y'all are enjoying the fic so far. My main priority is to deliver quality content to the best of my ability, so if you made it this far, thanks for sticking around! It's good to know I'm doing something right.

Setting: The Great Hall (Next Day)

Trigger Warnings: N/A

Albus and Lily enter and sit at their designated tables. The Slytherin and Gryffindor tables are right next to each other, so the two siblings have the opportunity to chat right away.

Albus (Semi-mockingly, but not maliciously): Simping for your brother's best friend, are you?

Lily: I take it you know?

Albus: Yeah, Scorpius told me everything last night.

Lily: You're cool with it, right?

Albus: Yes, of course! I've known the bloke long enough to trust him with you. Not to mention, he couldn't stop gushing over you the WHOLE NIGHT! Man, when I tell you he's a down bad SIMP-!

Lily: I couldn't stop thinking about him either... I love him, Albus. Is that bad?

Albus: Not at all - and, speaking of Scorpius, he wanted me to ask you if you would like to meet with him in the Chamber of Secrets tonight.

Lily: I've always wanted to go there. Mum and Dad both have some sort of trauma connected to it, but I'd like to see what's what down there anyway.

Albus: I know. I told Scorp that. He hasn't been there before either, but James has, and he said it's been modified to be safe for all students; I mean, the passageway's basically an elevator now..

Lily: Brilliant! Tell him I'm in!

Albus: Excellent! I'll drop you off to him, just so I can say 'Have her back by curfew.'

Lily: Alright, you can, but just this once!

We cut to black.


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