Act Four, Scene Three

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AN: Fun fact: Professor Owens, introduced in this scene, is - unless I'm canonically mistaken - the first DADA prof to hold the position for more than a year. Kween Tings, TBH.

Setting: Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom (Next Day)

Trigger Warnings: N/A

The next morning, Scorpius and Albus along with the fourth and fifth year Slytherins and Hufflepuffs, are in Defence Against the Dark Arts class. They are doing fun activities in order to keep their minds off Polly's death. It is in this scene that we are introduced to a friend of the triplets, sixteen-year-old Lucas Flint. There is a knock on the door. Professor Robin Owens answers to find Lily waiting. She is there to inform the teachers that there is a troll in the dungeon, but she volunteered to do so as an excuse to see Scorpius, who turns around in his seat as his classmates start teasing him.

Prof. Owens: Do you need something Ms. Potter?

Lily (anxious): Professor Slughorn told me to tell you that there's a troll in the dungeon!

The whole class gasps and whispers in fear.

Lily cont.: I told the Headmistress, and she said for everyone to go to their common rooms immediately.

Albus (alarmed): But the Slytherin common room IS in the dungeons!

Lily (Somewhat cheekily): (looks over at Scorpius) She also wants all the Slytherins to camp out with the Gryffindors, and the Hufflepuffs to camp out with the Ravenclaws (looking at Albus now) if that makes you feel better, Albus.

All the Slytherins except for Albus and Scorpius groan.

Scorpius (ecstatic, but chill): Aight. I'm down.

Lucas: Yeah, bruv, that means you get to be with your GiRlFrIeNd!

Scorpius: Well, I was originally thinking of my own safety, but that's always a bonus.

Prof. Owens (not knowing what to think of this situation): Um- I- Right! Hufflepuffs, I'll drop you off with the Ravenclaws, Slytherins follow Lily. We don't want another casualty now, do we?

Jack: Rahh, too soon, professor!

The students rise from their seats and head for the door, Jack, Jake, Jason and Lucas proceed to mock Scorpius.

Slytherin boys (behind Scorpius' back): Swiggidy Swunda, he's coming for dat-

Lily (snapping): Oh, leave him alone already!

Jake: He's coming for dat food... There's food up there... Lots of it... Wait what did you think we... Albus collect your dirty-minded little sister!

Albus (tired of the bullcrap): Oh, shut the h*ll up, we all know you meant "bunda". Food doesn't even rhyme.

Scorpius: Tell me, Jack-

Jake (defensively): It's Jake! You tryna start a beef ting, fam?!

Scorpius: Yeah, yeah, whatever. How many sex jokes have you made in the past week, Jake?!

The students continue to bicker amongst themselves as they exit the room, led by Lily and Robin.


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