Stay away from the Woods

375 19 16

Everyone always told me not to go out in the woods but, I couldn't help it. You never tell some one not do something cause, they only want to it more. And now I know why. I now stand face with a huge wolf bigger then I've ever seen. It's been staring at me for 5 minutes and it hasn't attacked me, yet. Out of the dark woods that syrrounded us in the clearing there was a howl the wolf turned in the direction and howled back. I took the opportunity to run, run as fast as I could back to my house.

I ran right to my back yard and threw the gate closing it behind me, I opened my back door and sneak right back up the stairs. Two more days and I wouldn't have to sneak up and down the stairs every night. My parents were going on "vacation" for two mouths and my brother lives only 2 hours away where we used to live. My brother didn't want to move away so he stayed and, I had to go with my parents. Going to a new school with new people in my last year of high school! I'm trusted and a "good girl" so they can trust me to be fine on my own. I changed into my PJ's and crawled into bed. I locked over at my

alarm clock it said it was 1:32. I looked over to my huge window and saw the forest. I curled up in a ball then I feel into a dreamless sleep


A/N so I hoped u liked it this is my 1st story so I hoped u liked it tell me if I should continue or not

Lots love Isabella (that's me)

Stay away from the WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now