A deal with a dog

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Rose's ponit of view

i felt grass beneath me i lifted my head slowly and opened my eyes to see the tree with the two streams around it. i tilted my head side ways in confuseing. i had fallin to ground in the cold winter but its summer now. i got up and shoke my head side to side and got up it looked different the dress was smaller and there wasn't two Crescent moon back to back carved into it. I saw a girl in a hood running past the tree. I heard howling, wolves. I called out to the girl but she kept running, I climbed up the two river tree. I saw two wolves one looked like the wolf I had encountered a few nights ago, the had stopped at the base of the tree and in the next moment there was two guys in the wolfs place

"this is one fucked up dream I mean were-wolfs come on" I said to myself.

They reached into the roots off the tree and grabbed clothes with consisted of pants I covered my face when I thought I would see the manhood. " We had her in our site Dren them her sent went dead right at this tree." Said the crescent moon tattoo guy.

"I know Dean, why does she keep running from us." The Dren guy said.

"This is torture, I wish she would just come to us chasing her just makes me want her more." Dean said. There was a girlish giggle and I saw the girl from before come out of the woods. " I think I've made you guys wait long enough." She said. They both turn to face her, I noticed Dren had a crescent moon on his back right shoulder. In a moment they were at her side, "Finally you show yourself to us." Dean said.

They started fading away and I couldn't here them anymore. "This was not a dream Rose but a memory." Was all I heard before I blinked and I was looking at the stary night.

The snow it stopped. I looked around me and I was covered in snow. I rubbed my face, and got up. I brushed the snow off of me. What did the voice mean, this wasn't a dream. I mean I've had dreams like that before but it was usually just the girl looking up and talking to the moon and the stars. Sometimes I'd be running with her and she be trying to escape someone. I guess it was them.

"I should probably get back to my house." I said to myself. I started to walk away but I heard a growl and I turned and saw the wolf again.

"What do you want?" I said to the wolf. It slowly walked up to me. I didn't move I brushed my hand I smiled at him and started to pet him, "awe you just wanted some loven." I giggle at the wolf As I pet his black fur I laughed at myself and the wolf if anyone saw this they'd probably think I was crazy, but then again I've never been normal the wolf started to lean on me and I fell over, and stood over he and started to lick my face. "Aww stop it." I start trying to pushing his muzzle away from me.

"Okay Wolfe I gotta go." I said getting up, he just growled at me.

"Oh you did now just use that tone with me Mr." i said glaring at him, he just growled at me again. I smiled at him "how about I make you a deal Wolfe?" I ask him, he sits in front of my and nods his head. 'wow so he actually understands me.' I thought to myself.

"I'll met you at the moon tree every day when the sun sets and if I'm not there after an hour after the sun sets you come and start howling outside my house okay?" I say he stands up and starts waging his tail.

"Deal?" I say he barks. "I'm going to take that as a yes, okay I'll see you tomorrow Wolfe," I say rubbing his head, Before walking away. I walk towards the house.

When I get back it's around 3am, "wow I was out late note to self take watch with me next time." I said as I walked up stairs pulling off my hoddie and dragged my pants off, I took off my slipknotg tee and put on a tank top and put my hair into a pony-tail and crawled into my cold bed, I looked out my window down onto the forest to see Wolfe standingyy by the edge I tapped on the glass and he looked up at my window "wow I guess wolves do have really good hearing." I say to myself then closithe shades and laid back into my bed and closed my eyes.

"GOOD MORNING SLEEPING BEAUTY!" Screams a voice in my ear. I scream and punch the one who scared.

"Well someone's grouchy." I look up to see Erin sitting on my floor holding her side. I fly off my bed and jump over to her, "oh my gosh are you okey I'm sorry I did mean to oh gosh is it bad is the a bruise?" I ramble out.

"Yes I'll be fine, it's okay and no it's not I have two brothers that I wrestle with this is nothing, not I have a question for you." Erin said, I nodded my head signalling for her to continue.

"Where are your pants?" I look down and start laughing like a crazy person. "Oh... yea... I hate... wearing ..... pants..... to bed." I said in between laughs I rolled off her.

"Oh gosh." She sighed "So you wanna dye my hair today." She said smiling.

"Yea were bleaching it right?" I say looking at her roots.

"Yea and we will dye it when Ryder gets back in town." She replied.

But then it hit me, "Erin sweetie.

"Okay lets get started." I said grabbing her hand and my box of hair dye which is one of the many boxes in my room i gottta un-pack. I walked to the living room.

"You sit I'll mix." I said I started to mix the bleach.

I put on my gloves and started to apply the bleach to her hair

*10 minutes later*

"So all you gotta do is wait for 45 minutes then we can wash it out." I say smiling at "Do you wanna play so video games." I say in the do you wanna build a snowman gone. "yes lets ago" she said like Mario.

We walking into my room and plugged in my 360 and put in cod, "lets do this."

About 45 minutes of playing later i was yelling. "Die cunt scab die!" as Erin and I kill so more zombies on zombie mode.

Erin laughed then said "cunt scab?" She question.

"Yes cunt scab, die bitches." I said kill a few more.

"Beep beep beep." Goes the the alarm on my phone., pausing my game.

"Wash out time." I say I usher Erin to the washroom hand her a towel.

"Shower it out it's way easier." I say closing the door behind me. I hear her laugh "bossy much."

"Heard that." I say smirking.

"You were suppose to." She calls to me.

I shake my head and go down stairs only to hear my phone go off from up stairs, blotting up the stairs and jumping on my bed to my phone.

"Ello?" I say in my crappy British accent.

"Hola bitch." Say a familiar voice.

"Drew my slut what's up." I say to my best friend from my old town.

"Nothing much beautiful, I'm just so bored and missed you." He says.

I laugh and smile " I miss you too boo how's everyone?"

"There great they miss there little demon." He laughs.

"Well tell them there demon misses them too." I say sadly.

"What's wrong Rose?" Drew says quickly.

"Nothing, I just miss you guys so much." I say as tears form in my eyes.

" I know princess but you can come visit anytime." He say trying to sooth me.

"I know but it's hard with out you guys, even If have new friends they can't replace you guys." I sob.

"I know were not being replaced we still in your life babes."Drew says.

"I know, I know." I say sadly.

"Now take a deep breath and wipe those tears away from your pretty face, I have something to tell you." He says softly knowing I'm crying that's why I love Drew he was alway amazing.

Taking a deep breath and wiping the tears from my face, "okay go tell me."

"so I........?"


Hehe sorry for the cliff hanger I'm going to be trying to update every couple of weeks now beacuse school coming back fml i guess im kinda like rose going to a new school she just doesnt wanna go to

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