Erin's has Mate

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Erin POV

I look at my mate with one thought in my mind.....

Holy fuck he is hot.

"Get away from her." The sexy guy said to Jake.

Jake narrowed his eyes at Mr.Sexy guy Jake, pushing me behind him and stood in front of me protectively.

My wolf was screaming to go him and to calm him down but another part of me said to stay behind Jake. I didn't know what to do or say. I stood the behind Jake helpless and torn for what I should do.

"I'll tell you again move out of the way before you get your self hurt." The sexy guy glared at Jake his eyes flickered to red. Then back to brown.

I search my mind for any supernatural creatures that have that characteristic. He's a dragon...

Well that would explain his size and when dragons feel threatened or feel that there mate is threaten there eyes turn red. But they were just flickering so that must mean he isn't full dragon. He must Also he must be part wolf I've never heard of Dragon Wolf this is going to be interesting.

"Alister!" My brother voice boomed with authority. "Why do you want my top pack fighter to move away from my sister?" Blade said narrowing his eyes at Alister.

"She is my mate that's why." Alister said to Blade.

Jake growled at Alister I could feel his wolf surfacing, and I did the most stupidest thing a female wolf could do with your angry mate in the room I hugged Jake; another male wolf.

"Jake calm down please don't worry nothing going to happen to me okay?" I whispered in his ear.

Jake calmed down in an instant, I let Jake go and walked out in front of him with my angry mate glaring at Jake and I felt the smirk on Jake face. I turned around and slapped him and walked over to my mate.

"Hi I'm Erin." I said politely and stuck my handout.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest trapping within his big arms around me. I felt him breathing in my sent.

"I'm Alister little mate." Alister said in a deep rough sexy voice which made a shiver shoot threw my spine.

"So Erin since your Alister's mate you can show him around?" Blade said.

"Yea i guess i can..." i said with a faint smile on my face i could feel Jake anger towards Alister grow.

"come on little mate." Alister said dragging me out of Blade's study.

we walked threw the whole house the top floor was for teen and young adults who werent mated or didnt have a mate yet. the 3rd floor where the wolves who have mates and are fully mated. the 2nd floor where some of the older pack members live if they still wish to live in the pack house or moved back into the pack house because they lost there mate and need emotional support, finally i showed him the main level the 2 entertainment centers the big kitchen and living room and the indoor pack meeting room.

" So where is our room." Alistir asked with a cocky smrik on his face.

"Oh i dont live in the the pack house i live at my parents house." i explained with a smirk. "Sorry you arent getting any soon." i said tapping his face lightly twice leaving him dumbfounded.

"But, your my mate once we meet we shouldn't be away from each other for too long." Alister told me in a "matter of fact tone".

"Hunny i don't know how it worked in your last pack but im still in high-school still and your what 19-20? Baby, that agansit the law with humans and in this pack unless both mates wish and the alpha approves we can't. Plus I don't wish it and I don't think my brother would let me share a room with you until i was ready and furthermore you are brand new to the pack so i don't know anything about you so, I won't feel comfortable to share a room with someone I don't know." I said facing Alister with my oh so famuos 'top that mother fucker smirk'.

"Well i best be going i have a heck ton of homework to do you room is one the top floor right next to the stair case. Later Ali" I say walking out the door and hopped in my black 1971 dodge dart and drove back to my house.

Hey Rose i was pissed at my brother and went for a run and then got my hair cut really short will you come by tomrrow and help me dye it tomorrow?

I texted her

Oh you did,sure its no probably let me guess you getting all your homework done tonight :P

she texted back

how'd you guess?

i sent her pulling my back packover my sholder out of the car.

becuz you took your bag with you when you left...

she texted back

Okay now im freaked out how did she know that...well then again she did see me leave and i had my back pack with me so i understnad now.

I'll text you later imma go do my homework

i sent her

kk Rin talk to u laters babes

she sent back

I laugh at her message and I waked up to my room and started working on my homework.

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