The legend

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Rose's POV

......It was Blade. "Actually I'm fine with going on Ryder's Motorcycle." i said glaring at Blade. "Then get on my bike." Ryder said i could hear the smirk in his voice. "Fine i will, put me down." i said with confidence. "OK." Ryder said, in one swift movement i was on the bike and off Ryder shoulder. "Okay lets get home before i get in shit." i said. "okay don't get your panties in  a bunch i have to get on first." Ryder said putting hands up in surrender. "Then lets get on before i change my mind." i said. "Okay tell me where you live and we can go." Ryder said getting on the bike. "2573 Wolfe street." I said. "No way me, Erin and Blade live Across from you." Ryder said. "yeah i do, can we go i don't want to get in trouble." i said. "Okay Rose ill get going." Ryder said. Ryder put the keys in and the bike purred to life, we speed off. At 1st i was scared but, i got use to it and it became fun. "This is amazing." I yelled so that Ryder could hear me. "And you thought you we're going to die." Ryder yelled back. "You can say i told you so."  I told him. "I'm not going to but you do have to Ride with me to school tomorrow."  Ryder said. "Of corse." i said smiling. The bike stopped. "Here we are 2573 Wolfe street." Ryder said. "Thanks Ray, i had fun ill talk to you tomorrow." I said getting off his bike. "Anytime ill see you tomorrow."  Ryder said. I walked to the door turned and waved and then, snuck into the house. I walked slowly and silently into my room. I changed into grey jogging pants  that I stole from my brother and a red tank top. I sat on my bed grabbed my laptop and logged on to Facebook and wrote a status saying

'Had a great 1st day made a few friends...most of them are guys oh and I already hate someone I miss you guys a lot'

I logged out and climbed into bed with one thought in my mind ' I don't think i am going to  go into the wood for a while.' then I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

 Blade's Pov

I walked into the house with a pissed off Erin stomping up to her room, she is such a little kid. I walked into the living room where my brother, Ryder. Why was he flirting with MY mate, she is MINE. "Why are flirting with MY MATE" I yelled the last part. "I'm wasn't flirting with your mate I was flirting with my mate, thank u very much." Ryder said looking pissed off but I didn't really care. "She is mine." I growled at him. "No, she is mine." He spat back.   "Are you two clueless or something? Your sharing a mate!" Said Erin, wait what Erin I thought she was in her room. " what do you mean we can't be its imposable unless no that's just a legend. " I said. "You two are both calming her as your mate so...therefore were your both her mate." Erin said in a duh tone. "I'm not in the mood for your attitude little sister." I snarled at her I could feel my wolf taking over. "I need to go for a run." I said leaving the kitchen. I striped and shifted and let my wolf take over. 

Ryder POV

I heard the door slam and it sounded like Erin stomping up to her room. Then Blade walked into the Room. I wonder why he is pissed off this time.  "Why are flirting with MY MATE" He yelled the last part. "I'm wasn't flirting with your mate I was flirting with my mate, thank u very much." I said pissed "She is mine." he growled at him. "No, she is mine." I spat back.   "Are you two clueless or something? Your sharing a mate." Said Erin, wait what Erin I thought she stomped up to her room she must of herd us. "What do you mean we can't be its imposable unless no that's just a legend" Blade said. "You two are both calming her as your mate so...therefore were your both her mate." Erin said in a duh tone. "I'm not in the mood for your attitude little sister." Blade snarled at her. "I need to go for a run." He said leaving the living room. "Erin does he mean the legend I think he means?" I asked her. "Yes I think he does..." Erin said. "We can't be the true airs of the werewolf kingdom the kings legacy was eliminated over a fight between there mate...that's why it's now really rare to share a mate. its natural for twins but the moon sprit or goddess puts them with another set of twins so  that history doesn't repeat its self." I said. "Erin what do I do? How is this possible?" I continued. "Ryder do you remember the whole legend?" Erin asked. "No, just bits and pieces. Why?"  I said confused. "Well ill just have to refresh your memory good thing I memorized this whole legend..." Erin said with a cocky and confidant smile. Damn her! "Well it is your favorite legend." I said "Yeah it is." She said. "Okay re-tell the legend." I said

"Okay, Long ago when the elder council  were young, and when there was only one pact 'The Moon pack' there were two brothers they were twins named Dean and Dren the twins were also the 1st werewolf twins. Dren the eldest of the two was pack alpha and Dean was Beta. They had been searching for their mate since they came of age. But there mate hid from them to test there loyalty to her and each other. They didn't know this but they shared a mate they were the 1st to share a mate. And that there mate was the moon sprit, the moon goddess daughter. Her mother sent her there cause she saw all mates there and her daughter was becoming lonely not having her vary own mate.  So the Moon Goddess gave her two mates and when the two brothers became of age she sent her daughter down to earth to find her mates who she had been watching over. But she didn't just want to walk right into her mates arms she wanted to test her mates and let them find her. The moon sprit thought it was a good idea but it was really playing with the twins emotions. a year after the moon sprit came to earth she decide to let her mates find her.   She knew the brothers always when on a run to lake which was there birth places. She finally shifted into her wolf form which was beautiful she was pure white with fur softer than anything from the natural world." Erin said. "Okay, continue." i said. "She laid on a big and smooth rock. And waited for her mates. She saw two wolfs come running at her at full speed. One Pure black and the other pure black but with a white diamond on his forehead.  The moon sprit recognized them as the her mates the pure black one as Dean and the one with the Diamond as Dren-" "Wait that sounds like mine Blake's wolves.  Mine is pure black while his is pure black but has a white diamond on his forehead." I said. "Let me finish." Erin demanded. "Okay fine continue." I said. "She stood up to greet her mates.  When the brother got there they shifted into their human form  the moon sprit turn so she wasn't looking at her mates naked bodies. They went behind a tree and pulled on some pants. The moon sprit shifted back true form which was her blonde hair flowing down her back instead of her human form were it was brown and in a braid. Her eyes returned back to their bright green instead of their soft blue eyes in her human form. her skin was pale again. and her long flowing dress. She looked like herself the moon sprit. the moon sprit told the brothers that she was there mate. and the brothers said that they couldn't share a mate she would have to chose. she told them that she couldn't chose. so Dren attacked  Dean so that he could have his mate. they fought each other. she couldn't take see her mates fight so she call her mother from the moon to help her. she killed her daughters mates but sent their souls into a sleep to wait until she could send her daughter back to this world and she put her daughter into a sleep as well.  She then split up the great moon pack into a bunch of smaller packs and sent them all over the world but when the time comes the great moon pack will reform to lead all the packs and rule them, but for now the great moon pack is ruled by the elder council." Erin said. "Wow so that's the legend of the great moon pack." I said. "Yes, do you remember what Rose said back at the lake." Erin said. "um...." i said trying to think. "She said ' I've always been good at finding people that and I've always been in love the woods it's like the call for me to be there.' " Erin said. "You don't think she is the moon spirt and me and Blade are Dean and Dren  do you?" I asked her.

"I think I do." Erin said. "OH Fuck! We're screwed me and Blade cannot make the mistakes as Dean and Dren did." I said. "Ryder I think there's a reason Rose dye's her hair. I'm going to find out tomorrow but for now im going to go to bed, good night Ryder." Erin said before walking up to her room. 'I think i should tell Blade it would be for the best.' i said in my head 'yes u should' my wolf says in a agreement. Just as i was about to go find my brother he walked right into the house. "Blade i think there something you should know..." i said. "What is it." He sighed. "It's about Rose.... " I said. His eyes went big and look at me. "What about Rose?" He growled. "Erin and i think she is the reincarnation of the moon spirit and me and you are the reincarnation  two kings of the great moon pack." I said slowly. "That's imposable we can't be and neither is Rose she can't." He said. "It's the only explanation for us and for her. when we were at the lake she said  'I've always been good at finding people that and I've always been in love the woods it's like the call for me to be there.' so therefore we think she is the moon spirit."  I said. "Maybe she is but how would we know." Blake said. "let's talk about this tomorrow its late." I said. "Yeah let's." We walked up stairs and went to our rooms. I change into my boxers and laid in bed and, fell into a dreamless sleep.

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