seriousness and the loin king

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Erin and i walked threw the door and saw the boys raiding my cabinets

"Put it down."  i said

They didnt move the glanced back at Blade who was holding his ground. 

"I SAID PUT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at them.

He stood there like he was testing me while all the others had put it back I looked over to Erin she was giving me a look of fear. I gave her a house and whispered sorry.

"Can you please put it back Blade." I said softly looking down at my feet.

He put the stuff he had on the counter and walked over to me and lift my face with his finger and did the last thing that I thought he would do was hug me and whispered I'm sorry over and over again into my hair. I was in udder shock I didn't know what to do. I pushed Blade away and gave him a small smile.

"Its okay Blade. Well me and Erin are going to bed you guys can sleep in my living room now I think its going to rain do I don't want you guys to get sick." I said softly and I take Erin hand and bring her upstairs along with our stuff.

"Erin what just happened." I said when we got to my room.

"I think you just broke Blade." Erin said

"What do you mean I just broke blade?" I asked her confused.

"You broke his emotional braked." She stated.

"And that means." I ask Erin looking it her hazel eyes.

"It means a few hears ago before you got her Blade was far happy and loose and fun to be around he didn't care who you were he was your friend but after a while he started becoming cold and only hung out with his friends that have been his friends for the longest time. He put up this emotional braked and didn't let anyone in. He became what he his now well everyone thought he was heartless unless you were family or really close with him and he certainly wouldn't say sorry to anyone even if he did something wrong." Erin explained.

I stood here in shock I didn't know what to say or do. A million things went threw my mind but I shut them down and locked them away like I usually do.

"I don't really know what to say, so um want to watch movies and do stuff instead of think about this?" I ask her.

"Yea sure lets watch movies...loin king sound good? She asks

"Yes sounds great." I say going to my boxes of Disney movies from when I was a little kid I VCR/ CD Player we sat on my bed and watched the movie eating candies and drinking mountain dew. After the movie we fell asleep. 

*****Sorry for the short chapter :(  ill try to make the next one longer*******

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