i think I've gone crazy

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I looked in my mirror look at my faded aqua blue hair it was turning a pale shade of green. I twirled a piece of my hair in my fingers and sighed.

I should probably get some dinner made.

"hmmm what should I make for dinner tonight." I say as i look in the fridge for ideas to make some dinner.

"why dont you make alfado pasta, steak and a seald" said a vocie.

I turn around and i dont see anyone. "who there? right like you'd even answer me, im not like the stupid blonde girls from the movie and go looking for trouble". i say to myself.

"hey hun why dont you let me in its starting to snow." said the voice again. I looked out the kitchen window and there stood Blade in my back yard.

"Blade! Why are you in my backyard and more importantly why were you out in the snow?" i say opening my backyard door and let him.

"you wernt answering the front door so i wanted to see if u were home, and i live a cross the street so I didn't really need to put on a coat." Blade Explained.

"Lets get you warmed up." I said to Bade with a fanit smile. "You sit on the couch and ill get you a tea, coffee or hot coco." I order him. he looked like he was about to say something but he just walked to the couch and grubbed my batman blanket i had laying on the couch for some strange reason.

I giggled at him. "Can i have a coffee please." He asked me nicely.

"Yeah sure Blade what do you want in your coffee". i say taking out a cup and putting a cup i the toosamoe.

"Two suger and 2 milks." he replied , I walked towords the couch and sat next to him.

"So why did you wanna come over we arent exactly friends." I tell Blade.

"well whats what i wanted to talked to you about i wanted to become your friend. I know I was jerk and a ass hole when I 1st met you. I wanted to make it up to you." Blade said to me in a soft tone. I looked up and met his gaze. There was so much hope, love and passtion in his eyes i knew he spoke the truth just by looking into his evergreen eyes.

I look at Blade with a small smile on my face. "Your so beautiful." He said in a whisper. I giggled at him. He chucked "Why are you laughing, Rose?".

"You called me Beautiful." I whisper with a blush creeping upon my cheeks.

"I know i did." He said kissing my cheek which made my blushes harder.

Blade was looking at me right in the eye, and i was looking back at him. Back into hes oh so evergreen eyes. It felt like Blade was looking into my soul i felt so lost like i was suppose to be here with Blade but at the same time i should be with Ryder.

I was lost in thought until i felt two soft lips touch mine. and I slowly started kissing him back. he pulled my on to his lap. He started playing with the ends of my faded hair. and i tangled my fingers in his thick Black hair. And I realized that I'm kissing Blade the older brother of my best friend and the twin of the guy i just made out with in the woods a few hours ago.

I pulled back, "Did we just.."

"yes we did just kiss and i have to say you are a great kisser." Blade said with a cockily.

"so um...I...er...ummmm...do you still want your coffee?" I said awkwardly.

"yes please" Blade said caressing my cheek. Which in turn made blush like crazy.

What is wrong with me I'm never like this ever. I'm never blushy or giggly or anything what has happen to my badass self I've turned into a do what ever you say blonde, i want to become that sweet innocent girl for my last year of high school but, its just killing me. I should probably go into the woods tonight I always find calmness and myself there.

"You okay Rose?" Blade said snapping me back to realty.

"Yes i was just thinking about something." i say with a small smile getting up and making Blade's coffee. I glance out the kitchen window into the woods and shuck my head and walked over to Blade with his simi cold coffee.

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